Suppliers subject to sustainable development standards Purchases from suppliers of various groups Suppliers subject to sustainable development standards Promote environmental and social standards and ethical and sustainable business practices among our suppliers. FEATURED PROGRAMSupplier of the Year Awards By the end of 2022, more than 77 % of the group’s main suppliers who were awarded contracts in the previous two years already met the established criteria and were subject to sustainable development policies and standards. In the same year, the volume awarded to sustainable suppliers represented 91.5 % of the total amount awarded. Purchases from suppliers of various groups At Iberdrola Spain, the volume contracted from Special Employment Centres, whose main objective is to provide people with disabilities with productive and remunerated work, reached 2.44 million euros, an increase of 8.9 % compared to the previous year. AVANGRID also developed the Supplier Diversity Program, whose objective is to promote diversity among its suppliers and increase purchases from those that are made up of diverse groups. With this program, we awarded 170 million euros to suppliers belonging to diverse groups, which represented an increase of 7.6 % compared to the previous year. This program aims to double the annual amount awarded to “diverse” suppliers by 2025.