General Shareholders’ Meeting 2024

All useful information about the Meeting

Iberdrola's shareholders have massively backed our management at the 2024 General Shareholders' Meeting.


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The Board, with a quorum of more than 75 %, approved all the proposed resolutions on the agenda with an average of 98.2 % in favour.

An ongoing commitment to our shareholders 

At Iberdrola, we have been committed to strengthening dialogue with our shareholders and to achieving their maximum involvement in the company’s most significant decisions. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Thanks to the €11.4 billion invested in electricity grids, renewables and storage infrastructures in 2023, at Iberdrola we have further promoted energy autonomy, environmental protection, competitiveness and jobs around the world. This has allowed us to exceed € 150 billion in assets and to earn a profit of € 4.803 billion in 2023.

As a result of these results, the General Shareholders' Meeting held on 17 May 2024 –at the proposal of the Board of Directors– has approved the distribution of more than € 3,500 million to shareholders, which represents a 10.8 % increase in remuneration charged to the 2023 results, to € 0.55 gross per share. To this figure will be added the engagement dividend of € 0.005 gross per share after having passed a quorum of 70 % of the share capital at the General Shareholders' Meeting.

We are already the largest electricity company in Europe and the second largest in the world by capitalisation —with more than € 77 billion— and, in line with our continued growth trajectory, investors who have reinvested their dividends since 2001 have achieved a 10-fold increase in their returns.

We continue to look to the future through our Strategic Plan. We will invest € 41 billion up to 2026, almost 30 % more than the € 32 billion of the previous three-year period. Of this amount, almost two thirds of the investments will go to increasing capacity and digitising our electricity grids to continue to lead the way in electrification. 

These forecasts will also be accompanied by a new boost to social commitment with the incorporation of 10,000 new professionals in three years, the purchase of goods and services for close to € 40,000 million from suppliers that employ more than half a million people and the investment of € 9 out of every € 10 in activities classified as sustainable by the European Union authorities, among other measures.

Imagen de una montaña con el key visual de la Junta General de Accionistas 2024
Ignacio Galán

"Huge investments, geographical diversification, our financial strength and the best team are the foundations for continuing on our path of growth in results and dividends."

Ignacio S. Galán

Executive Chairman of Iberdrola

Key milestones of the 2024 Meeting

Other relevant documents

Broadcast of the General Shareholders’ Meeting 2024

Consult all information on the broadcast of the event

Date: Friday, 17 May 2024.
Time: 11:00 a.m., Madrid time; 10:00 a.m., London time.
Duration: Approximately 1 hour.

Icon of a lectern


Mr Ignacio S. Galán. Executive Chairman of Iberdrola
Mr Santiago Martínez. Secretary

Sustainable event

The General Shareholders’ Meeting is certified as a sustainable event according to ISO 20121:2012, reflecting our company's commitment to sustainability, which also extends to event management. We work to ensure that our corporate events have a positive economic, environmental and social impact on the community. We contribute, promote and raise awareness of the importance of sustainability so that this commitment is increasingly shared by all.

Image of an onshore wind farm with the key visual of the General Shareholders’ Meeting 2024.

Press releases