Sustainable Event Managemeng: 2024 General Shareholders' Meeting
This year we once again guarantee the sustainability of our General Meeting of Shareholders
On the occasion of the General Shareholders' Meeting, we have maintained our commitments in the area of sustainable management of events to contribute, promote and raise awareness of the importance and impact of sustainability, ensuring that this commitment, led and driven by Iberdrola, increasingly belongs to everyone.

Sustainable Event
The 2023 GSM has been certified as a sustainable event according to ISO 20121:2012, reflecting our company's commitment to sustainability, which also extends to event management.
We work to ensure that our corporate events have a positive impact on the community from an economic, environmental and social point of view. To this end, we promote the following initiatives:
Improving the accessibility of events
- Live broadcast
- Multi-language
- Audio-description, sign language and subtitling *
- 100 % accessible location
- Promoting remote participation
Minimising the environmental impact of events
- 100 % renewable energy
- Waste segregation and recovery
- Emissions offset project
- Green purchasing criteria
- Re-use of materials
Increasing awareness in the area of sustainability
- Acting as driving force on main suppliers
- Analysis and communication of the environmental impact of events
- Awareness-raising for suppliers and event participants
- Communication campaigns aimed at employees
Helping the local community
- Promoting the entry of young people into the job market, facilitating their first professional experience
- Promoting equality in recruitment of staff participating in events
* Available for Spanish version SEE INFOGRAPHIC: 2024 General Shareholders' Meeting Sustainable Event [PDF]
For yet another year, we have expanded our sustainable event management model, with the aim of contributing to, promoting and raising awareness of the importance of sustainability and its impact on the 2024 General Shareholders' Meeting, making this commitment more and more collective.
The three keys for the General Shareholders' Meeting to be a sustainable event are:
Be aware of and respond to the needs of our Stakeholders.
Maintain with our suppliers a relationship based on trust and engagement.
Implement a rigorous monitoring process that allows for the evaluation of its performance and continuous improvement of the sustainability of our events.
Likewise, and for the ninth consecutive year the General Shareholders' Meeting has been awarded the Erronka Garbia seal in recognition of the work in reducing the environmental impacts associated with the holding of this event. The Environmental Statement of the General Shareholders' Meeting (Spanish version) [PDF] details strategies aimed toat environmental improvement in activities , products and services related to the celebration of the event.
If you would like to learn more about our sustainable Meeting, write to us at
What is a sustainable event?
A sustainable event is one that maximises, within the entire scope thereof, the positive impacts in the three areas that sustainability covers: economic, social and environmental. Iberdrola seeks the engagement of all its Stakeholders and takes into account their needs and expectations in order to achieve the continuous improvement of its event sustainability management system in collaboration with its suppliers and the value chain. Through this system, we work to ensure that our major corporate events generate economic, social and environmental benefits for the community.
Pursuant to our Sustainable Management Policy, the events of the group must scrupulously comply with all applicable requirements in each case (especially including laws on safety and health, noise, waste, privacy and personal data protection), promoting accessibility, inclusion, non-discrimination and encouraging diversity in the planning and execution thereof.
By means of all of the above, Iberdrola contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Iberdrola's event sustainability management system
Our event sustainability management system includes four strategic lines, seven objectives and specific actions for each event:
Improve accessibility to events: ensure they are accessible by absolutely everyone.
Minimise the environmental impact of events: reduce the amount of waste generated and improve the recoverability thereof, reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption, as well as reduce the indirect environmental impact (environmental footprint) derived from events.
Help the local community: favour the entry of young people into the job market, facilitating their first professional experience.
Increase sustainability awareness among all the staff participating in or affected by the events held, as well as improve the communication and participation processes during the conduct of the events.
Pioneers in sustainable event management
In 2016 we decided to certify our General Shareholders' Meeting as a sustainable event, based on the ISO 20121:2012 standard [PDF] External link, opens in new window., becoming the first IBEX 35 company and the first electric utility, among the 10 largest in the world, to achieve it.
In 2020 we led the way once again by extending and encompassing our three main corporate events in a single sustainable event certificate: the General Shareholders' Meeting, the Results Presentation and the Capital Markets & ESG Day.
As proof of our commitment to sustainability and continuous improvement, we have once again expanded the sustainable events management system in 2024, including the 1st Sustainable Legal Advice Forum promoted by Iberdrola. Check PDF here.
Since 2016 the General Shareholders' Meeting has also been certified with the environmental seal of the Basque Government, Erronka Garbia.