Work-life balance and equality
Committed to equality, quality of life and professional excellence
The Iberdrola Group promotes the balance between its employees' work and family life through measures to make the positive experience of parenthood compatible with a successful professional career. Specifically in Spain we have over 70 measures in place to enable a satisfactory balance between work and personal life.

Promoting the work-life balance in all Group companies.
At the Iberdrola Group we have a steadfast commitment to our human capital as the active and underlying principle of our success, and our social model is conceived to promote professional excellence and quality of life for our employees. Our corporate policy is focused on creating a favourable framework for working relations based on equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
For the sixth year in a row, our company is recognised for its equal opportunities and gender policies in the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index. In 2019 Iberdrola also adhered to the United Nations' Women's Empowerment Principles External link, opens in new window.. In Spain, Iberdrola ranks second in the Merco Talento 2023
External link, opens in new window. ranking of companies that best attract and retain personal talent.
We encourage the reconciliation of our employees' work and family life and we are at the forefront of Spanish companies in the implementation of a series of measures, embodied in the Equal Opportunity and Anti-Harassment Policy.
Home-work balance and equality
We strive for effective equality and quality employment
Accessible employment
Career progression
Working conditions
We promote equality-focused activities
Ethics, equality and nondiscrimination
Our principles are recorded in our:
Code of ethics
Equal Opportunity and Anti-Harassment Policy
Work-life balance initiatives of the Iberdrola Group Companies
We promote effective equality and quality employment

At Iberdrola we are committed to equality, quality of life and professional excellence.
The Iberdrola Group's Equal Opportunity and Anti-Harassment Policy promotes a range of measures focused on encouraging:
We are promoting activities on equality
On behalf of the entire Iberdrola group we create and promote various activities in the field of equality, including:
Agreements with various notable universities with the aim of further developing the measures needed to achieve gender equality, goal number 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations.
Holding events to promote professional growth and leadership development for women in the energy sector.
Structuring the selection process to avoid any kind of favouritism or personal preferences. All vacancies are posted on the employee portal, which allows any employee to examine any available opportunities at all times and see the respective demands of each position.
We promote gender equality, where women and men have the same opportunities for development and personal growth.
Ethics, equality and non-discrimination
The conduct of all company workers and -specifically- all aspects relating to human rights are regulated by the Code of Conduct for Directors, Professionals and Suppliers [PDF] External link, opens in new window..
Likewise, the company's practices mirror the Global Compact, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the International Labour Organization's Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Companies and Social Policy.
These universal principles and their Sustainable Development Policy serve as the Iberdrola group's guide to ensure its conduct and that of its employees does not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, gender, language, creed, political outlook, place of birth or social background, social status, place of origin, disability, health, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or any other factor.
Committed to the Sustainable development goals
The Iberdrola group is also firmly committed to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals for 2015-2030. Within the sphere of Human Resources:
- Objective 8: Decent work and economic growth, thanks to the value created by the Iberdrola group's strategy and model of growth over time, which translates into social and economic development.

SDG 8: Decent work
Promoting economic development by creating stable and quality employment.

Our policy
Check our Equal Opportunity and Anti-Harassment Policy.

Work-life balance
Iberdrola, the first Ibex 35 company to commit to work-life balance.