Work-life balance
The miracle of achieving the correct work-life balance is possible
In 2007, Iberdrola was the first company in the Ibex 35 to implement the uninterrupted schedule for its workforce in Spain, as a way of demonstrating its commitment to achieving the correct work-life balance.
More than a decade later, the company continues to be a benchmark in terms of how it helps its employees make their professional career compatible with their personal lives, offering them a huge flexibility to reduce their working hours and helping them in case they need to go on leave.
Currently, staff in Spain works between 07:15 am and 4:36 pm, Mondays to Thursdays, with a 45-minute margin to arrive at work or leave the office and all staff is allowed to leave the office at 2:00 am on Fridays.
family life
positive work
commitment to the
and employees coming
in late to work
image of the Company

Despite all the effort made, our country continues to be at the bottom of the list in relation to work-life balance matters and Iberdrola is only an exception. According to the Eurostat report, in Spain, the working day ends at 8:00 pm, while French workers end their working day at 5:00 pm and German workers leave the office earlier than the French.

Improving family life
The uninterrupted schedule is not Iberdrola's only initiative to improve the quality of life and professional excellence of its employees. In its Equal Opportunity and Anti-Harassment Policy, applicable to the entire group, the company is committed to "the implementation of work-life balance measures that promote respect for the personal and family lives of its professionals and which make it possible for a healthier balance to be found between the latter and the work responsibilities of both women and men". One of the measures is the flexible reduction of the working day, which allows employees to work up to five hours less per day until the child turns one without affecting the employee's fixed salary. In addition, the company helps its employees go on leave, keeping their job for up to four years while they are looking after their children or members of their family.
These initiatives are included in Iberdrola's Work-life balance policy manual, which includes up to 70 different practices, such as payment of 100 % of the employee's salary during the maternity and paternity leave period or paid leave for a 15-day period before the expected date of birth.