Iberdrola Retribución Flexible
Iberdrola maintains its commitment to its shareholders
In this section you can find all the information related to the optional dividend system "Iberdrola Retribución Flexible"
What is it?
Find out everything you need to know about the "Iberdrola Retribución Flexible" programme, a system that offers three remuneration options to our shareholders.
Check the dates of the "Iberdrola Retribución Flexible" program to choose the method of payment of dividends and carry it out.
Questions & Answers
Solve doubts about the program: What is its purpose? What do I have to do to receive my compensation in cash? And in stocks? How many rights will I receive?
Access all the documentation necessary for the "Iberdrola Retribución Flexible" program and arranged chronologically.
Tax treatment
Review the main tax implications related to the program based on the tax legislation and on the interpretation given by the Spanish General Tax Authority.
Holders of ADRs and CDIs
Key information for registered holders of American Depositary Receipts (‘ADRs’) and CREST Depository Interests (‘CDIs’).
Previous dividends
Consult, sorted by year, the history of the dividends charged to the corresponding fiscal years that our company has paid out.