Social networks privacy and security
Social networks, be careful of what you share!
Cybersecurity Internet Social networks
Social networks have become our photo albums, our bulletin boards, even our voice. We publish what happens to us during the day, we give our opinion on news, we participate in debates... And all this, very often, publicly.
Social networks, be careful of what you share!
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and many other social networks work as a showcase of the lives of millions of people. However, although we love to share our experiences with our contacts, we must take into account that if we do without taking a series of precautions, all the information we publish may end up being accessible to other users of the social network, who could make an X-ray of our lives if they wanted to, and damage our digital identity. This is a tactic widely used by cybercriminals. They use our publications to get personal information, impersonate identities, steal credentials or even blackmail us asking for something in exchange for not distributing an image or publication.
Safety advices for social networks
It is clear, therefore, that today social networks have become part of us, like our smartphones. If we are separated from them, we may even suffer anxiety, stress and emotional instability, which was totally unthinkable 50 years ago. We share all our personal information and forget that this means that our privacy and security take a back seat.
Connecting only to secure Wi-Fi networks is essential for protecting your data and not becoming yet another victim of cybercriminals. But you must also use social networks securely.