Permissions in downloading apps

Applications: download in a secure manner

Internet Digital Cybersecurity Social networks

Nowadays there are applications for practically everything (instant messaging, online stores, banks, news, social networks...). From any of our devices we can have the service we want in just a few seconds. But are we doing so in a safe manner?

Applications: download in a secure manner.

Sometimes, we go so fast that when we want an application, we download it automatically and we do not realize that it is asking us for more information than necessary. Permissions that may be basic for its operation but that, also, sometimes, if they are not, can compromise the security of our devices.

Did you know that there are some applications that are not what they appear to be? Did you know that some request more permissions than necessary to access devices and obtain information or even take control of them?

Although the official stores (Play Store, App Store...) have controls that filter out the passage of "not so reliable" applications, they can always miss out on some. That is why it is very important to take a few seconds to review certain aspects before downloading to check whether it is a safe application or not.

Tips for safely downloading apps

Look at the ratings and opinions of other users

Use them as a guide before downloading an app. If there are negative comments, it is important to review the reasons and find out why as this could save you a problem or two.

Review the permissions and data requested.

If the app requests more than necessary, it is advisable to delete it and look for another one as you could be giving it access to data such as photographs or contacts.

Only download from official sites

Look carefully at the app logo. Many applications generate copies to confuse users and get downloads so they can then generate scams.

Keep your devices and apps up-to-date

Reinforce your security by always keeping your devices and apps up-to-date. This is essential to protect your phone and personal data.

Applications: download in a secure manner.

Permissions in apps: Be careful!

Here are some real cases where users have had problems after downloading apps:

  • Flashlight Led Widget: This app allowed users to install a powerful flashlight on their devices. What they did not know was that having this app on their devices allowed a virus to record user data, extract photographs, steal bank credentials and finally block the device.
  • Fortnite: Cybercriminals took advantage of the popularity of this game to install Trojans on the device through fake apps.
  • Avast: U.S. developers filtered an app imitating the software of one of the world's largest computer security companies, Avast Software. When users installed this app, the device became flooded with adverts that slowed down its functions.

According to a study on 2017 Worldwide IOS and Google Play App Downloads, the five most downloaded apps in the world in 2017 were Whatsapp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and Snapchat, so being aware of the download permissions for this type of apps is especially important.