Offshore wind power

Leaders in wind generation, also in the sea

Offshore wind power, key to Iberdrola's future growth and our commitment to the energy transition.

Twenty years ago, we at the Iberdrola Group were pioneers in onshore wind generation, and now we are doing the same in the offshore wind power market, one of the company's major growth areas. At the end of 2024, we had 2,373 MW offshore installed, with plans to increase our offshore wind capacity to 6,500 MW by 2030 thanks to significant global investment.

We promote offshore wind energy around the world

We are ready for the future with the biggest renewables pipeline in the industry

Within Iberdrola's renewables portfolio, offshore wind energy is an important area thanks to the growth experienced in the last 10 years and a strong pipeline. We chose investments focused on offshore wind in the US, UK, France and Germany, ensuring compliance with our Strategic Plan, while pursuing growth opportunities.


  • Vineyard Wind 1 In construction - 806 MW
  • Kitty Hawks In development - 2.4 GW
  • New England Wind 1 In development - 791 MW
  • New England Wind 2 In development - 1,080 MW
  • Gulf of Maine In development - 3 GW


  • In development - 3 GW
Mapa de América


  • East Anglia ONE In operation - 714 MW
  • West of Duddon Sands In operation - 194 MW
  • East Anglia THREE Under construction - 1.4 GW
  • East Anglia TWO Under construction - 960 MW
  • East Anglia ONE North In development - 760 MW
  • ScotWind In development - 7 GW


  • In development -
    3.6 GW


  • Wikinger In operation - 350 MW
  • Baltic Eagle In operation - 476 MW
  • Windanker In construction - 300 MW


  • St. Brieuc In operation - 496 MW
Mapa de Europa y África


  • In development - 1.8 GW


  • In development -
    Up to 3 GW
Mapa de Asia y Oceanía

We are continuing to grow to establish ourselves as the world leader in offshore wind farms

The significant experience in offshore wind puts us in an optimal position to participate in upcoming auctions and tenders for projects in our current portfolio and for expansion into new markets.

More about offshore wind

Everything you'd like to know about offshore wind farm construction

The harnessing of offshore wind energy requires the installation of impressive offshore wind farms with large wind turbines equipped with the latest technology. The design, construction, transport and installation of such mega-structures offshore is a technical challenge, highly refined with experience, and requires a process lasting several years.

How an offshore wind farm is built

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