What we do

Iberdrola, an international energy leader

With more than 180 years of history, we are a global energy leader and one of the largest electricity companies by market capitalisation in the world.

The Group supplies energy to nearly 100 million people in dozens of countries, has more than 600,000 shareholders, a workforce of more than 42,000 employees and assets in excess of €158 billion.

Pioneers in the energy transition

We are leading the energy transition to a sustainable model through our investments in renewables, smart grids, large-scale energy storage and digital transformation to deliver the most advanced products and services to our customers.

Our customers enjoy the cleanest energy through a wide range of products, services and solutions.

Our business areas: a clean, efficient and safe value change


Renewables: Production of electricity

  • Icon Renewable electricity generation (onshore and offshore wind, photovoltaic and hydroelectric), as well as other energy sources.
  • Icon Emerging technologies such as green hydrogen (generated from clean sources of energy).
  • Icon Large-scale storage, through pumped hydroelectricity and other generation assets.
  • Icon Construction, operation and maintenance of all generation facilities.

Electricity production 168,599 GWh

  • Nuclear
  • Cogeneration
  • Renewables
  • Combined cycle

Smart grids: Transmission and distribution

  • Icon Transmission and distribution of electricity.
  • Icon Construction, operation and maintenance of lines, substations, transformer stations and other infrastructures to bring electricity from production centres to the end user and to integrate distributed generation.

1,276,520 Km

  • Spain
  • Brazil
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • 4,635 high- to medium-voltage transformer substations
  • 1,056,349 km of overhead distribution lines
  • 19,626 km of overhead transmission lines
  • 203 km of undersea transmission lines
  • 1,687,750 medium- to low-voltage distribution transformers
  • 199,164 km of underground distribution lines
  • 1,177 km of underground transmission lines
  • 1,276,520 km of energy lines

Customers: Retail supply and services

  • Icon Supply of energy to end-user.
  • Icon Energy products and services for our customers: with intelligent and innovative (Smart) solutions in the following areas:
    • Residential with services such as energy storage, heat pump, self-consumption, electric mobility, solar, etc.
    • Industrial offering comprehensive management of energy installations and supplies, such as Green H2, industrial heat, etc.

36.4 million

  • Brazil
  • IEI
  • Spain
  • United States
  • United Kingdom

Data included in the Integrated Report at the end of 2023.

Overview of our business model

Iberdrola's business model focuses on electricity as the only way to achieve self-sufficiency and energy security, as well as greater efficiency and price stability. This is a process of electrification that requires a strong expansion of renewable capacity, together with a massive deployment of electricity distribution networks and storage solutions. 

This consolidated and proven successful model is based on a unique mix of businesses and geographies, backed by a sound financial position and a stable dividend policy, and including sustainability and shared value creation in the business

Download the chapter on Iberdrola's Business Model of our Integrated Report [PDF]

Our brands

The Iberdrola Group operates in the energy sector in a number of countries in North America, South America, Europe and Oceania, and continues to add new territories as platforms for growth. All of this activity, which allows us to supply energy to some 100 million people in dozens of countries, is made possible through our six subholding companies.

bandera España
Iberdrola in Spain

Iberdrola EspañaEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nuev

bandera Reino Unido
Iberdrola in the United Kingdom
Bandera Estados Unidos
Iberdrola in the United States
bandera Brasil
Iberdrola in Brazil
bandera México
Iberdrola in Mexico

Our facilities

We are leading the energy transition towards a sustainable model through our renewable energy facilities, smart grids and energy storage to offer our customers the most advanced products and services.

This facilities map provides the latest quarterly update of installed capacity for all generation technologies present in the Group and our production, as well as other operational data.

Main operational data

Our investment plan

At Iberdrola, we are committed to a Strategic Plan 2024-2026 based on more electricity grids and selective growth in renewables, to promote a safe, clean and competitive system that will allow us to accelerate the energy transition.

Thanks to this Plan, we will create 10,000 jobs worldwide over the next three years, which will see the total number of jobs throughout our supply chain rise to 500,000. What's more, we want to make our growth compatible with the zero-emissions' goal in our generation plants and own consumption by 2030, as well as in all our activities by 2040.

Illustration of an onshore wind farm and a photovoltaic plant.