Trees Programme
Iberdrola to reach 5 million trees by the end of 2024, rising to 20 million by 2030
Nature Climate action Biodiversity
The Group promoted the planting of 3.4 million trees in seven countries between 2020 and 2023 as part of its Trees programme. The company is committed to planting 20 million trees during the next decade — with the primary objective of reaching 2.5 million by 2022 and 8 million by 2025 — to capture approximately 6 million tonnes of CO2 within 30 years.
The Trees programme intends to plant 8 million trees by 2025 and 20 M by 2030. Video voice transcription (Spanish version) [PDF] External link, opens in new window.
The plan is part of Iberdrola's commitment to protect biodiversity and care for healthy ecosystems as crucial elements for sustainable growth. In this regard, the Group, an international leader in the fight against climate change and a global leader in renewable energies, has set out to have a net positive impact on biodiversity by 2030.
When it comes to reforestation, the Trees programme will be decisive in mitigating and compensating habitats in which new infrastructures are built, promoting initiatives to reverse deforestation, and encouraging research and awareness in collaboration with Stakeholders.
Some of the actions for the 2020-2023 period were:

We promoted the planting of over 932,000 trees on more than 900 hectares. The highlights are the projects of Carbon2Nature, totalling more than 770,000 trees, and those of the Bosque Defensa de la Fundación Iberdrola with over 100,000 trees.

United Kingdom
The Group's British subsidiary, ScottishPower, has planted over 880,000 trees around wind farms such as Kilgallioch, Hare Hill Extension or Glen App, among others. From Corporate Volunteering actions, 400 trees have been planted.

United States
The US subsidiary AVANGRID contributed to the creation and establishment of new wetlands, including the planting of 969 trees to mitigate impacts associated with RG&E gas projects.

Neoenergia has promoted conservation and regeneration actions in the Permanent Preservation Areas, which surround the facilities. These efforts cover over 8,975 hectares. This is in addition to monitoring and conservation work on over 18,400 hectares.

The planting of over 70,000 trees stands out. The actions include planting on the perimeters of the Topolobampo II, Baja California and Escobedo power plants, where 53,000 were planted. The volunteer initiatives enabled 15,000 trees to be planted.

We have carried out reforestation actions with more than 377,000 trees. The measures are the Creation of Priority Habitat, planting of native species and cork oaks, recovery of riparian vegetation, improvement of river courses and revegetation of slopes.

Iberdrola planted almost 75,000 trees in its project to promote ecosystems near the Pyrgari, Mikronoros, and Sarakatsanaiika wind farms.
What is the Trees Programme?
Trees Programme
Promote the planting of 20 million trees by 2030
To capture ~ 6 million t of CO₂ in 30 years*, equivalent to those emitted by 6,000,000 diesel cars per 5,800 km
- 1
= 200,000 trees
- 1
= 625 football fields
Branches of the programme
Preserving natural heritage
Mitigate and offset the habitats affected by the occupation of new infrastructures
Social value: research and awareness
Fostering shared knowledge by encouraging research projects with Stakeholders and developing awareness raising initiatives
Replenishing and creating natural value
Correct forest loss by carrying out projects and initiatives to plant trees on land belonging to Iberdrola and on third-party properties
In line with the major international strategies

*Estimation based on 0.3 t of CO₂ /sq ft in 30 years
**Plantations 1100 ft/ha. Football field: 105 x 68 m
Branches of the Trees Programme
The Trees programme will branch into three main courses of action:
Branch 1: Preserving natural heritage
The aim is to mitigate and offset the habitats affected by the occupation of new infrastructures.
- The company has already identified opportunities to plant 4.8 million trees between 2020 and 2030. In 2020 and 2021, 2.4 million trees were planted.
- Work will also be done to identify additional actions linked to new investments.
Branch 2: Replenishing and creating natural value
The intention is to correct forest loss by carrying out projects and initiatives to plant trees on land belonging to Iberdrola and on third-party properties. This branch includes:
- Projects promoted by Carbon2Nature totalling over 770,000 trees.
- Projects carried out by the Group's foundations, such as the Forest Defence
External link, opens in new window. plan by Fundación Iberdrola España, which involves planting over 100,000 trees in the Spanish army's shooting ranges and military practice grounds.
- In 2022, the Forest seeks village to grow up in challenge was launched, through the PERSEO international start-up program and in collaboration with Start-up Olé and with the support of the European Commission. A pioneering program to promote the recovery of natural spaces in depopulated areas of Spain and Portugal through the conversion of burned or vacant land into forests.
- Operating tree planting projects on Iberdrola land.
- Collaborating in reforestation projects with other organisations and Stakeholders.
Branch 3: Social value: research and awareness
The goal is to foster shared knowledge by encouraging research projects with Stakeholders and carrying out awareness raising initiatives.
- Continuation of Iberdrola's International Corporate Volunteering Programme, through which 70,000 trees were planted and sown between 2020 and 2023.
- Several research projects will be implemented in collaboration with Stakeholders.
- Organising awareness raising initiatives. The company will be exploring other initiatives with NGOs, customers, etc.
- Iberdrola collaborates in the Re-Plant Madrid initiative
External link, opens in new window., to act for the damage caused by Filomena.
- Iberdrola became part of the World Economic Forum's Corporate Alliance with the commitment to plant 20 million trees to recover, regenerate and promote the value of ecosystems.
The programme includes a monitoring plan to report and follow-up all these actions.
In line with the major international strategies
SDG 15: Life on Land
Iberdrola's Trees programme is very much aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the United Nations 2030 Agenda, especially SDG 15, which involves promoting the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halting deforestation, restoring degraded forests and substantially increasing afforestation and reforestation globally.
EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
The plan also ties in with the European Union's 2030 Biodiversity Strategy External link, opens in new window., which seeks to plant 3 billion new trees in the next decade according to fully eco-friendly principles.
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
This project is equally relevant to the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration External link, opens in new window. (2021-2030), which highlights the need to replenish forests, soils and wetlands and create green areas in cities so as to mitigate the effects of climate change and achieve the target set to reduce emissions by 2030.
*Neoenergia, S. A. is owned indirectly by Iberdrola S. A. with 50 % + 1 share.

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