Renewable energy education centres
Together we build a sustainable future
Renewable energy Climate action Climate change
The Iberdrola Group's commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates materialises, among other actions, in the renewable energy educational centres. The activity carried out at these centres is complementary to the installation and maintenance of the generation plants.

Iberdrola Group currently has centres in Spain, known as Energy Classrooms, and in the United Kingdom, where the Whitelee learning centre is located.
Renewable energy education centres
Iberdrola has five free Energy Schools designed to inspire groups of associations and schoolchildren groups throughout Spain with the ecological spirit of conservation and protection of the environment. These classrooms are located in the regions of Castile-la Mancha and Castile-León.
What does the visit involve?
- It is totally free of charge — visitors only have to pay for transport —.
- It has an approximate duration of three hours (in the morning: from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, although other possibilities can be considered).
- The groups have a maximum of 45-50 students. For school groups it will be necessary to be accompanied by at least two teachers for support.
- In view of the content of the visit, it is recommended for the following levels: 3rd cycle of Primary Education, Secondary Education, Higher Secondary Education and Vocational Training courses; Also to any kind of association.
- The dates will be scheduled in the order in which the applications are received.
What do I need to do to visit a classroom?
The visits start every year in mid-October, and to apply you need to send the application form [PDF] External link, opens in new window., duly completed, by fax or mail (electronic or conventional) to the following addresses:
Energy Schools
- Higueruela (Albacete) Google Maps
Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.
- Villacañas (Toledo) Google Maps
Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.
- Maranchón (Guadalajara) Google Maps
Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.
- Puertollano (Ciudad Real) Google Maps
Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.
- Astudillo (Palencia) Google Maps
Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.
External link, opens in new window.
To visit a classroom
Iberdrola Energía Sostenible España, S.L.U.
C/ Berna, 1 - 45005 Toledo
A/A: Amelia Rodríguez Martín
Google Maps
Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.
For any queries or for more information, please contact with Amelia Rodríguez Martín calling at +34 91 577 65 00.
Whitelee learning centre (Scotland)
This centre
External link, opens in new window., built by ScottishPower Renewables, the British subsidiary of the Iberdrola group's Renewable Energy Business, is located on a natural ridge overlooking the Whitelee site, the largest on-shore wind farm in Europe.
Managed by Glasgow Science Centre, the site has various facilities including an interactive hands-on learning area where visitors can find out more about renewable energy.
This is part of a wider project entitled the Whitelee Access Initiative, which aims to encourage visitors to enjoy nature. To this end, the site of the wind farm has been opened to the public. Cyclists, horse riders and ramblers and others can take full advantage of the wind farm site. In addition, an electric bus, powered by the energy generated by the wind farm, offers tours of the site.

Student visit to Energy Classroom at Maranchón Wind Farm (Guadalajara, Spain).

A group of students during a visit to the Maranchón Energy Classroom.

A group of Iberdrola employees during a visit to the Maranchón Energy Classroom.

Climate change education
How can environmental education help to combat climate change?

Environmental education for kids
Kids should start their environmental education at school.

Climate change
Committed to a decarbonised energy model.

Climate action
Leading the way towards a sustainable economy.