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Iberdrola Dividendo Flexible

Our previous dividend programme

"Iberdrola Dividendo Flexible" was the shareholder remuneration program that Iberdrola launched between July 2010 and January 2018. This system offered the shareholders the opportunity to choose whether they preferred to receive all or part of their remuneration in cash or in fre newly issued Iberdrola shares (i.e. without payment by the shareholder) and was instrumented by means of a capital increase charged to reserves approved by the General Shareholders' Meeting of Iberdrola.

The program "Iberdrola Dividendo Flexible" was replaced by the optional dividend system "Iberdrola Retribución Flexible."


"Iberdrola Dividendo Flexible" frequently asked questions

1. Which is the purpose of this system?

Through this system, the Company intends to offer its shareholders the ability to decide whether they prefer to receive all or a portion of their remuneration under the system in cash, through the payment of the cash dividend or the transfer of the corresponding free allocation rights in the market, or in new paid-up shares of Iberdrola, S.A.


2. If I want to receive my remuneration in cash, what should I do?

If you want to receive your remuneration in cash, you must inform your bank, considering the deadlines, that you wish to waive your rights and receive the Interim Dividend.

Alternatively, if you want to sell your shares in the market you also must inform your bank of your election.


3. If I want to receive my remuneration in shares, what should I do?

If you want to receive newly issued shares of Iberdrola, S.A. you must keep your free allocation rights until the end of the rights trading period. If you wish, you can communicate your election to your bank although it is not necessary as this is the default option.


4. Can I choose to receive part of my remuneration in cash and part in shares?

Yes, you can mix and match the different options according to your needs. For that, you must inform your bank of the options elected within the Common Election Period.

You should keep in mind that the election of one of each alternative excludes the right to choose any of the remaining options in respect of the free allocation rights to which this option is executed.


5. What will happen if I don´t communicate any option to my bank?

In this case, the default option will be applied and you will receive newly issued shares of Iberdrola, S.A. based on the amount of free allocation rights you have and the number of rights needed to get a new share that is established.


6. How many rights will I receive?

You will receive one free allocation right for each share of Iberdrola, S.A. you own as of the record date in the context of the capital increase.


7. How many rights will I need to receive a new share?

The number of rights needed to get a new Iberdrola share will be calculated based on the listed price of the shares on 25, 26, 27 and 28 June 2024 and 1 July 2024. This number will be announced by the Company on 5 July 2024.


8. If I wish to receive more shares than I'm entitled to, can I buy more shares?

Yes, you can buy free allocation rights in the market in order to receive more newly issued shares of Iberdrola, S.A.


9. What happens with the rights that are not enough to receive a newly issued share?

In that case your bank will send these rights in the market and will pay you the amount resulting from that sale.


10. What will I receive if I choose cash remuneration?

If you elect to sell your rights in the market, you will receive the cash amount resulting from that sale, that will depend on the trading value of the rights in the time of the sale, whilst if you elect to receive the Supplementary Dividend you will collect, at least, 0.348 gross euros. The final amount of the Supplementary Dividend will be announced by the Company on 2 July 2024.

"Iberdrola Dividendo Flexible" documents





More information is available at CNMV External link, opens in new window..

Other Documentation

 Consultation to the General Tax Directorate External link, opens in new window.

 Consultation explanation External link, opens in new window.