Renewable Energy Operation Centres (CORE)

Iberdrola renewable energy operation centres: 15 years at the forefront of technology

Digital Iberdrola projects Renewable energy

The Renewable Energy Operation Centres (CORE by their Spanish initials) are the platform from which Iberdrola Group operates and controls its renewable generation facilities, in a centralised and standardised way in the different countries in which it operates. 

The CORE platform is a ground-breaking solution developed internally and owned by Iberdrola which arose 15 years ago from the necessity to meet the challenges posed by the operation and maintenance of renewable facilities. The system can optimise these processes, but can also increase the availability of the facilities, ease the integration into the network of new assets, and enable centralised and uniform information management.

An internal team of specialists is in charge of expansion and the introduction of the CORE platform in the various countries in which the company operates. Their missions are:

New business lines

To serve and develop new business needs.


To maintain and apply global technical and operating standards.


To carry out market and technology surveillance to develop best practices.

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Technical specifications of CORE

CORE is an open system whose technical characteristics make it suitable for centralised operation, analysis and maintenance of renewable power plants.

Bulk information

Efficient and standardised processing of large amounts of data in real time.

Alert management

Direct operation based on information from alarms in case of incident.

Flexible, centralised configuration

The capacity to grow by adding — not replacing — equipment and applications.

Rapid incorporation of installations into the system

The centralised database, advanced graphics and objective-oriented technology optimises new power plants configuration and installation.

Optimum use of communications channels

Due to the collection of value-change data in real time.

Integrates in applications

Full capacity for application development and integration to suit business needs and regulatory changes.

In constant evolution

The most successful aspect of the COREs has been their enormous flexibility and their constant evolution. The platform has been integrating all the information that is important for the business — for example, energy measurements, atmospheric data and weather forecasts — as well as new types of renewable generation, such as the US and UK offshore wind farms and the Spanish photovoltaic plants. Pioneers in the development of computerisation for Iberdrola's digital systems, the COREs are also currently in a position to face the challenges posed by cybersecurity.

Over the next few years, the system will need to meet two main challenges: firstly, to consolidate the operation of all the company's renewable assets; and secondly, to support the growth, and guarantee the centralised and standardised operation and maintenance of all these assets. Something that will only be possible if the platform remains at the forefront of technology.

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