Photovoltaic plant Santiago

Santiago, one of the first photovoltaic plants installed by the Iberdrola Group in the world

The 750-hectare Santiago photovoltaic plant in the central Mexican state of San Luis Potosí was one of the first facilities of its kind to be commissioned by the Iberdrola Group.

Planta fotovoltaica Santiago
Operating plant

Santiago photovoltaic plant

Location: Villa de Arriaga (San Luis Potosí)
Total installed capacity: 232 MW
Total investment: $200 million
Puesta en marcha
Start-up: 2018

The Santiago photovoltaic plant is located in the state of San Luis Potosí (Mexico). This facility, which covers more than 750 hectares, harnesses the high solar radiation of the Potosí highlands and converts it into electricity using more than 672,000 solar panels plus two substations. The altitude and temperature of the terrain make this photovoltaic plant more efficient.

The Santiago PV plant, which became operational in 2018, has an installed capacity of more than 230 MW and generates an energy output of 460 GWh per year —capable of supplying 138,000 households. 

Together with the Hermosilla photovoltaic plant , in the neighbouring state of Sonora, the Santiago photovoltaic installation is part of Iberdrola's commitment to renewable energies in Mexico, thus contributing to meeting the national clean energy goals defined in the Energy Transition Law, which includes the objective of reaching 35 % clean generation by 2025. This plant prevents the emission into the atmosphere of 340,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.


Construction of the Santiago photovoltaic plant.

Mexico, perfect scenario for photovoltaic energy

The Aztec country has privileged conditions for the development of photovoltaic solar energy:

  • Geographically, it is located at a high altitude, which allows the solar panels to work at a lower temperature. In addition, its location is within the so-called 'sun belt', where radiation levels are the highest in the world.
  • At the business level, there is not a large concentration of companies specialised in the PV sector, but there is a mature solar thermal industry with a high degree of acceptance. 

All these factors were decisive for Iberdrola to choose Mexico to develop its first two large-scale photovoltaic projects.

Iberdrola, world leader in renewable energies

At Iberdrola, we dare committed to renewable energy more than two decades ago as a fundamental pillar on which to build our safe, clean and competitive business model. Thanks to this vision, we are today world leaders in renewables, reaching 44,478 MW of clean energy in operation at the end of 2024.

This commitment is reflected in our Strategic Plan, in which we will allocate €15.5bn gross to renewables. More than half of this amount is focused on offshore wind in the US, UK, France and Germany; 28% on onshore wind and 18% on solar.