Iberdrola in Mexico

Sustainable development in Mexico

Iberdrola has been present in Mexico for more than 20 years. Since then, we have steadily increased our investments and activities to reach 12 states and play a key role in the generation of electricity in the country.

More than two decades ago we came to Mexico with the aim of assuming an important role in the energy business. Our purpose soon became a long-term commitment to the country's energy and sustainable development. But we not only promote renewable energy, we also participate in the development of the communities in which we are present and their environment with initiatives focused on counteracting the effect of global warming and conserving Mexico's biodiversity. We also seek to generate a positive impact on the most vulnerable groups in society.

Iberdrola, promoter of renewable energies in Mexico

Our Mexican journey began in 1999 in the state of Nuevo León, with our first combined cycle plant, Dulces Nombres, promoted by Iberdrola México External link, opens in new window. , a subsidiary of the company in the country. However, it was in 2007 when we placed our first wind turbine during the construction of Iberdrola's first renewable facility in the country: Parques Ecológicos de México (PEM), in Oaxaca, which began operations a year later. Since then, the story of renewable energy in the country has continued to grow and, with the collaboration of engineers and other specialists in the energy sector, it has been possible to operate our plants and parks located in 12 states in the country.

 Iberdrola Mexico's main businesses are:

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Renewables. The company, through Iberdrola Renovables México, is the fourth-largest private renewable energy generator in the country. 

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Generation. The subsidiary, through Iberdrola Generación México, has six combined cycle and cogeneration plants located in the states of Coahulia, Nuevo León, Querétaro and Tamaulipas.

Some key figures

Data updated at the end of 2024.

Ignacio Galán

"Iberdrola considers Mexico a strategic country with potential for growth and expansion where it will show its support to the State by developing renewable capacity."

Ignacio S. Galán

Executive Chairman of Iberdrola

Promoting ESG criteria in Mexico

Iberdrola's sustainable development strategy, under which Iberdrola Mexico works, is based on principles that ensure that corporate activities benefit all groups in an equitable manner. For this reason, we rely on the three pillars used internationally to measure the impact and sustainability of corporate work: environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. These are some of Iberdrola Mexico's achievements and initiatives in ESG matters:

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Iberdrola Mexico received the Gold Award for Best SDG Best Practices in 2023 from the Ibero-American Foundation for Quality Management (Fundibeq) for its Impulso STEM programme, which awarded 58 scholarships to young people in Oaxaca, 50 % of them to women.

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The company is considered an "advanced" organisation in terms of inclusion and gender equality according to The Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP) Gap Analysis Tool developed by the United Nations.

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A diverse and committed team: Iberdrola México had a workforce of 1,301 employees at the end of 2023.

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The company maintains an extension of maternity and paternity leave beyond the requirements of the law and consolidates support programmes for employees and their families.

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Through Fundación Iberdrola México, the subsidiary invests its resources in organisations and programmes that have a positive impact on the communities it serves.

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Iberdrola Mexico works with Iluméxico in the Luces de Esperanza programme, a project that brings electricity to rural communities in the Huasteca Potosina and Oaxaca.

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In alliance with the Tecnológico de Monterrey, it has the Iberdrola Mexico Scholarship programme to contribute to the academic preparation of high-performance young people. In addition, the Jóvenes construyendo el futuro programme provides training opportunities for young people between 18 and 29 years of age. 

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The company has joined Pride Connection Mexico, a network of more than 300 companies that promote the development of safe and discrimination-free work environments for the LGBT+ community.