Whistle-blower channel

Iberdrola aims to create an environment of transparency and promote respect by its directors, employees and its suppliers for the law and the rules of conduct established in the Code of Conduct for Directors, Professionals and Suppliers [PDF]

It has implemented an internal reporting system for this, to facilitate the reporting of possible irregular conduct or potential unlawful acts or acts contrary to the law or to the Governance and Sustainability System, impacting the scope of the Group companies, which is based on the following essential principles:

Prohibition of retaliation:

Iberdrola undertakes not to take any form of retaliation against any person who has made a report in good faith.


Communications can be made anonymously.


The confidentiality of the identity of the informant and of any third party mentioned in the communication, as well as the protection of personal data, is an essential principle in the management of the communications received.

Management of the System:

The Compliance Unit of the relevant company is the body responsible for the management of the Internal Information System in accordance with the procedure established by its respective governing body.

Rights of persons affected:

The rights to privacy, honour, defence and the presumption of innocence of the persons under investigation or affected are guaranteed.

Communications may be submitted in writing via the form on this website, by post (for the attention of the Compliance Unit, c/Tomás Redondo 1, 28033 Madrid) or by any other means. Informants may also address their communications to the Informant Protection Independent Authority or to the external reporting system of the public authority or competent body.

Please indicate if you wish to make a new claim or follow up on a previous claim:

Data entry is compulsory

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