
International Master's Scholarship Programme 2025

In the International Master's Scholarship Programme we are looking to develop a new generation of people with enthusiasm for learning, desire to innovate, and aspiration to transform the energy industry.

Our new call for applications for the International Master's Scholarship Programme 2025 –with Iberdrola España, ScottishPower and Iberdrola México– is open from 5 March. In this new edition we have 27 scholarships: 8 for Spain, 13 for the United Kingdom and 6 for México.

This programme, which is geared towards graduates or students in their final year of study, aims to promote excellence in the training of the new generations and to foster the employability of young people in sectors of the future.

These scholarships will allow students to pursue studies in different areas of interest, which can be summarised as follows:

 Business Administration and Management
 Project management
 Digital Marketing
 Electrical / Mechanical / Civil / Electronic Engineering
 Mathematics / Big Data
 Environmental Sciences / Climate Change / Sustainability / Geosciences / Oceanography / Meteorology
 Information and Communication Technologies
 Energy and renewable sources

Check the universities where you can apply for your master's scholarship

Bosque con árboles de hojas verdes

Iberdrola México

Call for applications

9 Scholarships

  • Icono Universities
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
  • Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
  • Universidad Panamericana
Molinos de viento con el atardecer de fondo

Iberdrola España

Call for applications

7 Scholarships

  • Icono Universities
  • Universidad de Salamanca
  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Universidad de Edinburgh
  • Imperial College London
  • Universidad del País Vasco
  • Universidad de Stratchclyde
  • Universidad de Connecticut
  • Universidad de Rochester
  • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  • Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Molinos de viento en una pradera verde


Call for applications

10 Scholarships

  • Icono Universities
  • Universidad de Edimburgo
  • Universidad John Moores de Liverpool
  • Universidad Caledonian de Glasgow
  • Universidad de Bangor
  • Universidad de Strathclyde
  • Universidad Wrexham Glyndwr
  • Universidad Heriot-Watt
  • Universidad de East Anglia
  • Universidad Glasgow
  • Universidad de Cambridge
  • Universidad de Liverpool
  • Imperial College London

Open calls:

Iberdrola España

Find out all the information about the opportunities offered for Iberdrola España Master's Scholarships.

Find out more


ScottishPower has opened a new call for Master's Scholarships in different areas of knowledge. Check here for the terms and conditions and all the information.

Find out more

Iberdrola México

The biannual call for Iberdrola México Master Scholarships is now open and here you can find all the information and terms and conditions.

Find out more

More information:

See the privacy notice

We inform you about the processing of the personal data you provide us.

Solve your doubts about the programme

Check out our FAQs and find out everything you need to know to participate. 

Meet our scholarship holders from previous editions:

Do you want to know about the experience of the Master Scholarships? Check out the testimonials of our scholarship holders in previous editions.

Future talent

We want to incorporate the best talent by reinforcing the strategic areas and future growth needs of the company.