Stakeholder capitalism

Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation

Companies need to build their resilience and enhance their licence to operate, through greater commitment to long-term, sustainable value creation that embraces the wider demands of people and planet.

Word Business Forum (WEF) has been leading the way in this initiative to deliver on the promise of stakeholder capitalism. WEF members reaffirmed the significance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects of business performance in creating long-term value.

Capitalismo de grupos de interés

Iberdrola publishes its disclosures and metrics aligned with the WEF's project.

 Iberdrola: Core Metrics and Disclosures - Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism [PDF].

Hands with a plant

Corporate purpose and values

A model that prioritizes the people and the planet.

Grupos de interés


Stakeholder engagement is one of our core elements.