What is offshore wind energy
Do you know how offshore wind farms work?
Iberdrola projects Offshore wind
Offshore wind energy is the clean and renewable energy obtained by taking advantage of the force of the wind that is produced on the high seas, where it reaches a higher and more constant speed than on land due to the absence of barriers. In order to make the most of this resource, mega-structures are installed that are seated on the seabed and equipped with the latest technical innovations. Discover what these real sea giants are like and how they work.
How does offshore wind energy work? Video voice transcription (Spanish version) External link, opens in new window.
Offshore wind energy: the power of movement, the force that generates energy.
What are the advantages of offshore wind energy?
- Offshore wind energy is renewable, unlimited and non-polluting.
- There are more wind resources offshore than onshore (up to twice as much as in a medium onshore wind farm).
- When located offshore, the visual and acoustic impact is very small, so much larger areas can be used. Thanks to this, offshore wind farms typically have several hundred megawatts of installed capacity.
- The ease of maritime transport, which has few limitations with regard to cargo and dimensions in comparison with land transportation, has made it possible for offshore wind turbines to reach much larger unit capacities and sizes than onshore wind turbines.
Where can offshore wind farms be installed?
Currently, offshore wind farms are located in shallow waters (up to 60 metres deep) and away from the coast, marine traffic routes, strategic naval installations and spaces of ecological interest.
According to the latest report from WindEurope, the European wind energy Association, Offshore wind in Europe: trends and key statistics 2018, published in February 2019, European farms have an average depth of 27.1 metres (only slightly less than the year before) and are at an average distance of 33 km from the coast, as opposed to the 41 km average recorded in the 2017 report. The United Kingdom is the country with the highest installed capacity in Europe, with a total of 44% of all offshore wind energy installations (in MW). It is followed by Germany (34%), Denmark (7%), Belgium (6.4%) and Holland (6%).
Construction of an offshore wind plant
Everything about offshore wind farm construction.
Evolution of wind energy in Europe
The European wind market has grown strongly over the last 25 years. Find out more.
Floating offshore wind
A milestone to boost renewables through innovation.
How have offshore wind turbines evolved?
The history of offshore wind has been marked by continuous innovation. Turbine capacity on the high seas has increased considerably in the last decade, according to the WindEurope Offshore wind in Europe: trends and key statistics 2018 report, and this year wind turbines with capacities of almost 9 MW began to be implemented. The study highlights that the average capacity of offshore wind farms under construction in Europe is 561 MW, while in 2018 the average capacity per wind turbine was 6.8 MW, 15% more than in 2017. Between 2007 and 2017 alone, the power of the turbines increased by 102%.
This evolution can be clearly seen in the offshore wind projects developed by the Iberdrola group: West of Duddon Sands External link, opens in new window., Wikinger, East Anglia ONE, Saint-Brieuc, Vineyard Wind and Baltic Eagle.
West of Duddon Sands (United Kingdom), the first offshore wind farm developed by the Iberdrola group in 2014.
Wikinger offshore wind farm (Germany), in operation since the end of 2017. Video voice transcription (Spanish version) External link, opens in new window.
We put East Anglia ONE into operation.
The development of new types of foundations that allow these installations to be located further away from the coast and the continuous evolution in the power and design of wind turbines are just some of the progress we will see in the coming years. These advances undoubtedly augur a long and prosperous future for offshore wind farms.
All the information about
Offshore wind energy
What is offshore wind energy?
Offshore wind energy is obtained by harnessing the power of the wind at sea, where the wind reaches a higher speed and is more constant because there are no barriers. In order to make the most of this resource, mega-structures are installed that are seated on the seabed and equipped with the latest technical innovations.
What are the benefits of offshore wind energy?
Because this is a type of renewable energy, there are numerous benefits because it is inexhaustible (wind is an unlimited resource) and does not pollute. (It is a source of energy that produces low greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), which are the main culprits responsible for global warming).
The wind blows more at sea than it does on dry land and can produce up to twice the power obtained from onshore facilities. What's more, these plants have a lower visual impact and are less noisy which means that their installed power can be far higher than on land, reaching hundreds of megawatts. Likewise, sea transport is easy, allowing unit powers and sizes far higher than those possible on land.
What is the difference between offshore and onshore wind farms?
The main difference lies in the technological difficulty of building them because the structures and their maintenance are more complex due to the offshore environment, which is governed by strict safety requirements. The construction and operation of offshore wind farms requires the use of highly specialised logistical resources. On the other hand, the capacity to generate electricity is higher offshore, because the wind resource is superior and more regular than it is on dry land, which means a higher yield of power. It is easier to transport the components required to install a wind farm offshore, which is why wind turbines with unit power of over 10 MW - and even 15 MW - are feasible in an offshore setting. It is more difficult to transport them on land, where unit power of around 5 MW is the norm.
Due to access constraints during operation, wind farm elements require higher reliability and components are designed with higher levels of redundancy than onshore wind farms.
What is the environmental impact of an offshore wind farm?
To install an offshore wind farm a positive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be obtained, as well as a favourable study showing the compatibility of the facility with other uses of the maritime space. For this, very rigorous and strict studies must be conducted in the years prior to the start of the project, including an analysis of the compatibility of the wind farm with navigation, marine fauna, avifauna, migration routes, sediment transport dynamics, etc. These studies are complemented by thorough monitoring of these aspects during the construction and operation phases of the farm.
To protect the environment on wind farm sites, the offshore power industry is using cutting edge, extremely innovative solutions. For example, Iberdrola has used advanced noise mitigation systems while building offshore wind farms such as the underwater bubble curtains used for the Wikinger project in the Baltic Sea. This system protects marine mammals from being affected during construction.
Types of offshore wind farms:
There are two types, distinguished by the type of anchorage used to secure the wind turbines:
Marine wind turbines with fixed foundations:
These are installed on a fixed support structure on the seabed. In turn, there are different types of foundations: monopile (the tower is installed on a large steel cylinder embedded in the seabed); gravity-supported (requires a high-mass, large-area concrete or steel platform resting directly on the prepared seabed); or using jackets (reticular steel structures with three or four anchor points on the seabed). Current fixed foundation technology permits structures to be installed up to 60 metres below the surface.
Offshore wind turbines on floating platforms:
This type of technology allows these wind generation farms to be built farther offshore in very deep waters. The floating bases make it possible to harness the enormous potential of the wind in huge offshore areas. With this type of technique, depth restrictions are determined by the laying of underwater electricity evacuation infrastructures, which can be placed hundreds of metres below sea level.
Depending on the system used to fasten the equipment to the sea bed, they are classified as: single floating columns or spars, semi-submersible platforms or tension-leg platforms.