Electrification of the economy
Iberdrola is committed with the electrification as the no regret option for a sustainable economy
Decarbonisation Economy Energy transition Sustainable mobility
The electricity sector is the best available energy vector to incorporate renewable facilities. Iberdrola promotes the decarbonisation of the economy through greater electrification, especially in sectors such as transport (through electric vehicles) and buildings (through heat pumps).

What is the electrification of the economy and what does it mean?
When we talk about electrifying the economy, we mean replacing the use of fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal with electricity in areas like transport, buildings and industry.
What benefits could this change have? Electrification of the economy could result in lower CO₂ emissions (especially if the electricity comes from renewable sources such as solar, wind or hydropower), greater energy efficiency (electricity applications are more efficient than fossil fuels), reduced dependence on oil and gas and less air pollution.
First step: The foundations for the electrification of the economy
In order for electrification to be possible, we must create a level playing field for energy sources:
Importance of reporting the carbon footprint of energy products
Climate change is an undeniable fact, and the decarbonisation of the economy is a necessary way forward. Electrification with renewable energy is the most efficient and competitive solution to massively reduce emissions, reason why it is necessary to ensure a level playing field in order to deploy this option as soon as possible. Something that can only be done if each product reflects its true carbon footprint. The consumer has to understand the real cost of the different alternatives to be able to choose the most efficient and economical one.
Supporting climate action through shared effort. Video voice transcription [PDF] External link, opens in new window.
What is happening at the moment? Since the roll-out of renewables energies has occurred mainly in the electricity sector, the cost of the additional support needed by these technologies has been borne exclusively by electricity bills, despite the fact that renewable target is set based not only on electricity but also on petrol and gas consumption.
The upshot is that the electricity tariffs, which have the largest share of clean energy, are more expensive than more polluting energy sources, putting them at a competitive disadvantage. Because of this, electricity ends up being more expensive than other alternatives, since the electricity consumer is bearing the environmental cost that derives from fossil fuels consumption.
To correct this distortion, all energy products should include in their final price the cost of their emissions and their proportional share of renewables support costs, in keeping with the "polluter pays" principle, so that all consumer are aware of the real environmental costs of the energy they use.
In addition to the renewables' support, electricity bills traditionally include other costs unrelated to the supply of electricity. The European Commission has calculated that on average at least 40 % of European electricity bills are due to taxes and costs unrelated to the electricity supply.
Again, the result is that the price of electricity is higher in comparison with other types of energy, which makes the electrification of the economy and decarbonisation more difficult.
For the consumer to be able to choose correctly between the different energy options, all costs unrelated to supply need to be removed from the electricity tariffs allowing electricity and its end-use applications, such as electric cars and heat pumps, to compete on equal terms with other more polluting existing options.
Step two: Decarbonisation
In addition, to decarbonise other sectors, electrical end-uses should be incentivised:
Importance of electric vehicle deployment
Development of electric vehicles. Video voice transcription [PDF] External link, opens in new window.
The transport sector is responsible for approximately a third of total energy consumption and a quarter of emissions in Europe. However, it is the only sector that has increased its emissions, by around 50 % since 1990, as opposed to reductions of more than 30 % both in the electricity sector and in industry. It Is still based mainly on fossil fuels, with renewable alternatives accounting for less than 10 % of the energy consumed.
Is also one of the main causes of air pollution, which is responsible for 250,000 premature deaths in Europe every year.
Given the greater difficulty of reducing emissions in sectors such as aviation, sea transport or long haul heavy transport, efforts now need to be focused on light road transport, with the aim of decarbonising this sector completely by 2050. The last internal combustion vehicle must be sold by 2030-2035 at the latest, giving way to the electric vehicle which is the most effective, efficient and sustainable mature solution for light transport:
1. Charged with renewable electricity, electric vehicles represent a renewable alternative.
2. They are two to three times more efficient than conventional vehicles.
3. They do not emit CO2 or other pollutants.
Despite their multiple benefits, electric vehicles are still uncommon in Europe, mainly due to their cost and the lack of public recharging infrastructure.
Electrification of residential buildings: the importance of the heat pump
The electric heat pump is a real, mature and competitive alternative. Video voice transcription [PDF] External link, opens in new window.
Buildings account for a quarter of total energy consumption and almost 38 % of emissions in Europe. Heating and cooling in the building sector is essential in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and it accounts for approximately 31% of total energy use.
Heating is also one of the main causes of air pollution, since it depends more than 60 % on fossil fuels.
In view of this situation, the electric heat pump arises as a real, mature and competitive alternative to decarbonise heating, domestic hot water and cooling in buildings. But what is an electric heat pump and what are its benefits?
- It is a thermal machine that very efficiently transfers heat or cold from the air or the ground to the desired space. It is three times more efficient than conventional gas boilers.
- It is capable of generating up to 4 kW of heat for every 1 kW of electricity, so its performance can reach up to 400 %. Three quarters of the energy generated comes free from renewable natural resources.
- It does not emit CO2 or other pollutants.
Despite its benefits, heat pump penetration in the building sector in Europe varies from country to country and in recent years sales have decreased by 6% in 21 countries, their installation and the refurbishments required to buildings, compared to that of a gas boiler.
Electrification of industry and hard to abate sectors
Industry consumes approximately 37% of the world's energy and its emissions have increased in recent years by up to 70%, as it is a sector that continues to be led by fossil fuels.
Due to its nature, industry is what is termed a hard to abate sector, sectors that are difficult to decarbonise, a challenge that lies in its dependence on fossil fuels.
Electrification of industry, as mentioned above, is complicated mainly by the high initial cost of installation, but in the long run, it not only leads to a reduction of emissions but also to long-term savings for industries.
It also means health benefits for employees who would not be exposed to fossil fuels and pollutants.
Electrification of the economy and the European Green Deal
The European Green Deal is a European Union (EU) initiative launched in 2019 that consists of a series of policy measures to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
It is part of the EU's contribution to the Paris Agreement which aims to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
The main objectives set for 2050 within the European Green Deal are:
- Climate neutrality: a drastic reduction of greenhouse gases.
- Circular economy: a space where products are recycled, repaired and reused.
- Clean, sustainable and healthy industry
- Healthier environment: restoring nature and working towards zero pollution.
- More sustainable agricultural practices: aiming to produce sustainable, affordable and environmentally friendly food.
- Climate justice and equity: a just and fair transition.
This opportunity should be used to:
- Set all new vehicles from 2030–2035 to be zero-emission.
- Encourage administrations to be pioneers in the implementation of measures in official vehicles and public transport.
- Deploy a minimum recharging infrastructure network, with mandatory targets for 2025 and 2030 to enable the market to take off.
- Reduce the economic barriers that hinder their development by establishing incentives.
- Set emission standards for CO₂ and other pollutants. From 2025 all new systems should operate free of those emissions.
- Establish a uniform system of energy certification for buildings in Europe and set a mandatory trajectory to progressively improve their efficiency.
Iberdrola contributes to the deployment of electric vehicles by developing and marketing private and public charging services. Iberdrola's solutions adapt to the needs of private customers, companies and fleets for zero-emission mobility, integrating energy from renewable sources, value-added services and the latest charging technology. We are also committed to the electric heat pump, offering alternatives tailored to the needs of our customers through our innovative solutions.

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