Whether we are driving a car, taking an aeroplane journey or even consuming everyday foodstuffs such as beef, we are leaving an invisible carbon footprint. So many of our day-to-day activities leave a trail of greenhouse gas emissions behind, gases that are released into the atmosphere and trap heat, thus contributing to climate change. Being aware of an activity’s carbon footprint, which is measured in tons of CO₂, is important when it comes to taking measures and launching initiatives to reduce these emissions to the lowest possible level. The responsibility for doing so, in order to avoid catastrophic climate change, falls to individuals, companies and governments.
Facebook What is a carbon footprint, and why is reducing it so important to combating climate change?
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Linkedin What is a carbon footprint, and why is reducing it so important to combating climate change?
Their main purpose is to store water during off-peak periods, using it to generate energy during peak consumption periods.
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in 2015, which is a working group to encourage companies to inform their investors about the risks related to climate change and the way in which they are managing them. Here, we present the progress made by Iberdrola in implementing the 11 recommendations prepared by this organisation.
Facebook Committed to transparency in risk management and the opportunities arising from climate change
Twitter Committed to transparency in risk management and the opportunities arising from climate change
Linkedin Committed to transparency in risk management and the opportunities arising from climate change
The application of big data to curb global warming and protect the environment is known as green data. This technology can help optimise the efficiency of the energy sector, make businesses more sustainable and create smart cities, among others.
We are what we eat and maintaining a sustainable diet reinforces our commitment to the environment. This type of healthy eating is rich in vegetables, encourages the consumption of local products, generates less waste and limits the consumption of meat and fish to protect biodiversity.
The fashion industry, which is responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, is the second most polluting after the oil industry. How can its impact on the environment be reduced? Biodegradable clothing is one of the answers and one of the industry's main commitments to promoting sustainability. Would you like to go shopping?
This island is located about 545 km from Recife, the capital of Pernambuco, and it is within the concession area of CELPE, the distributor for the Neoenergia* group — the Iberdrola group subsidiary in Brazil —. Neoenergia implements sustainable and smart energy solutions in response to the challenges of generating and distributing energy in a beautiful and delicate ecosystem.
Have you ever wondered how a wind turbine tower can support so much weight? Or why they are all orientated in the same direction? This is the nature of wind turbines, the giants of renewable energy.