Social projects and awareness
We promote the development and social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups
Iberdrola, via its Foundation in Spain, announces its invitation to participate in its 2022 Social Programme, the aim of which is to assist in building a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable society committed to helping its most vulnerable members.

This latest programme invites social entities to submit proposals that contribute to reducing inequalities and help to promote future opportunities for those groups at risk of social exclusion, with special emphasis on childhood, adolescence and women. An evaluation committee set up by the Fundación Iberdrola España will select around 30 projects aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 2030 Agenda.
In this respect, the 2022 Social Programme is prioritising four lines of action specific to this invitation:
- Child poverty and social exclusion: projects that support low-income households and cover the basic aspects of everyday life, as well as those that develop initiatives that promote education devised to mitigate the most harmful effects of inherited poverty.
- Helping disabled boys, girls and young people: projects that support the vocational training centres they attend with the offer of a space in which they can develop their skills.
- Health and well-being: projects aimed at seriously ill vulnerable boys, girls and young people and their families, as well as initiatives designed to prevent and/or treat various types of addiction.
- Support to women who are or have been the victims of sexual harassment and domestic violence: we are seeking to foster their self-esteem and personal independence via a series of opportunities that, in turn, promote gender equality.
The entities wishing to apply have until 28 June to submit their proposals, with this being done via a form that can be found on the foundation's website External link, opens in new window., where the terms and conditions of the invitation can also be consulted. The foundation plans to announcethe successful entities in October, and the projects will be implemented throughout 2022.
Committed to the UN' SDGs
This initiative responds to Iberdrola group's commitment to society and is aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for 2030, integrated into the company's business strategy. Specifically, Iberdrola's Social Programme focuses its efforts on meeting goals number 1 (no poverty), number 3 (good health and well-being), number 4 (quality education), number 5 (gender equality) and number 10 (reduced inequalities).
Iberdrola, via the Social Programme of its Foundation in Spain, has allocated more than 11 million euros to social initiatives within the country and helped a total of 414,546 people. Ever since this Plan was first launched in 2010, the company has been the driving force behind more than 441 projects in collaboration with over one hundred social entities, thereby contributing to the fight against child poverty, tutoring and the social insertion of vulnerable children, young people and women. The Social Programme has enabled the creation of 1,630 jobs and the participation of 7,648 volunteers.
3rd Iberdrola International Energy Cooperation Awards
Iberdrola and the Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad External link, opens in new window. (Sustainable Excellence Club) in November 2019, for the third consecutive year, the Iberdrola International Energy Cooperation Awards, which are aligned with Goal 7.1 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as they reward projects aimed at guaranteeing universal access to affordable, clean and modern energy.
Family photo of the prizewinners.
The winners were:
- Ferrovial — category Private Sector: Large Company and SME category —, for their Water/Energy Project that consists of the renovation and extension of an aqueduct and the installation of a solar photovoltaic pumping system with the aim of restoring peace in El Salado (Colombia).
- Canaries Technological Institute — Public Sector: Administration and Public Enterprises category — for the Clima-RISK project (Adaptation to climate change, risk prevention and management), a technical and institutional cooperation initiative between the Canary Islands and Mauritania, Senegal and Cape Verde to strengthen logistical capabilities and risk management to cope with environmental disasters in those African Countries.
- Obra Social 'la Caixa' — Third Sector: charitable organisations and NGOs category — for their programme Work4Progress, which supports transportation micro-companies with electric-powered tricycles, or rickshaws, managed and driven by women.
The EKI Foundation received special mention in this category for its programme supplying, financing — over 20 years, interest free — and installing solar photovoltaic systems for schools and health centres in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Iberdrola Solidarity Awards 2019
On 28 November 2019, Iberdrola held its Solidarity Conference at which the group's chairman, Ignacio Galán, and the president of the Iberdrola Foundation, Fernando García, presented the third Iberdrola Solidarity Awards in recognition of the work carried out by some of the associations that work with the company. The conference brought together 18 social organisations in a discussion on The risk of social exclusion in the face of a slowing economy.
We held the third Solidarity Conference together with associations that work with the company.
The awards went to the following institutions:
- Fight against poverty and social exclusion: llunday Haritz Berri.
- Reduction of inequality and inclusive education: Fundación Down Madrid.
- Health and Well-Being: Fundación Caballo Amigo.
Main projects and initiatives
Iberdrola group is firmly committed to the fight against this disease and works with different organizations for the dissemination of information and awareness campaigns, with the ultimate goal of increasing the aid needed to continue research against cancer.
To mark International Day Against Breast Cancer, held every year on 19 October, Iberdrola group shows its commitment to this cancer awareness and prevention initiative with several actions. "We want to continue giving visibility to this disease that so many people suffer from and ratify our commitment to continue contributing to cancer research", says the company's chairman, Ignacio Galán.
Awareness campaign for 2021, with the slogan "Prevention is key".In Spain, Iberdrola once again joined the cause of the Spanish Cancer Association (AECC) as main sponsor of the 9th Nota Valladolid En Marcha
External link, opens in new window., held on Sunday 8 November 2020. This race started on 25 October and is #TheLongestRun so far, with more than 10,300 virtual kilometres, which translates into the same number of people registered.
The 7th Nota Madrid Race in Motion Against Cancer and COVID-19
External link, opens in new window. raised €60.000 for care for cancer patients affected by the coronavirus. The 10.000 people registered for this initiative to race from home were able to participate in the daily challenges and share their results on social media, making this charity competition the longest in history.
7th Madrid Race in the March Against Cancer and COVID-19.This action is part of the collaboration agreement with the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), which Iberdrola renewed in 2020 and which is mainly aimed at research for a better diagnosis and treatment of cancer, in addition to carrying out other activities to raise awareness, such as the races against cancer.
Under the slogan 'Prevention saves lives', #IberdrolaPeople showed its commitment to people suffering from breast cancer and sent a message of awareness.RACE AGAINST CANCER
On the World Day Against Cancer, every year Iberdrola carries out an awareness and conscience raising campaign to reinforce its commitment in this battle.
The Iberdrola Campus was lit up in pink to raise awareness and send the energy of #IberdrolaPeople to the victims and their families.OTHER INITIATIVES AGAINST CANCER
Also within this agreement, Iberdrola has launched Together against Cancer
External link, opens in new window., a pioneering charity initiative in Spain in which the electricity company invites customers to make a monthly contribution to the AECC through their electricity or gas bills. Iberdrola promises to match its customers' chosen contribution, which may be 25 cents, 50 cents or €1 a month. This campaign is aimed at clients of Iberdrola Spain with are in the free market, around 7.5 million.
Together against cancer, making our commitment stronger. Video voice transcription (Spanish version) [PDF]
In its first year in operation, the company managed to get around 78,000 customers to join the initiative.
In Brazil, Neoenergia has been celebrating what is known as Pink October since the 1990s, a month in which the Brazilian subsidiary's people, institutions, NGOs, companies and monuments a pink to promote the campaign to prevent and raise awareness of early diagnosis of breast cancer.
In the UK, ScottishPower collaborates with Cancer Research UK to raise funds for the cure of any form of cancer. This collaboration has raised £20 million through a wide range of initiatives and events including the sponsorship of A race for life and Stand Up To Cancer, the Help Beat Cancer rates and contributions from many employees and suppliers. -
One in three women has been a victim of abuse at some point in her life. A figure that is worsened in times of crisis, as evidenced during the COVID-19 pandemic, when two out of three women reported having been victims or knowing a victim of some kind of violence against them.
Iberdrola is supporting the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November by launching the Speak Out campaign, where athletes from the federations being supported by the company stress how vital it is to report any cases of gender violence we see by calling 016.
Speak out! If you suffer or witness gender violence, call 016 and report it.
Our colleagues have also wanted to join this campaign.
In 2018, Iberdrola also got involved in the Don't Look the Other Way campaign launched by the Spanish Home Office to make people aware of the need to combat and prevent this social problem.
The campaign was presented by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, alongside the Iberdrola Compliance Manager Dolores Herrera. "We all have to make this campaign's slogan, Don't look the other way, our own, and cease to be witnesses to become active participants, in this case, of awareness raising, to try to end this severe social problem," Herrera stated.
The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, presented the campaign alongside the Iberdrola Compliance Manager Dolores Herrera (in the centre).The Don't look the other way campaign is a pioneering virtual reality initiative being promoted by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Presidency through the Delegation against Gender Violence, made up of three videos recorded with 360º technology in which different kinds of abuses against women are shown and the viewer is made an active witness of the events. Iberdrola's Digital and Social Media Division helped to create the video.
The campaign is comprised of three videos in which the viewer's perspective is that of the victim, youth and witnesses. Video voice transcription (Spanish version) [PDF]
Iberdrola promotes equality in all areas, as well as the protection and empowerment of women, as it considers this question to be one of the Sustainable Development Goals with the highest priority to achieve a better society for all.
The company is part of the Companies for a society free of gender violence initiative, launched by the Government Gender Violence Delegation in 2012 with the goal of taking advantage of the potential of business as an agent of social awareness.
Likewise, Iberdrola includes, in its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, a section dedicated to the fight against gender violence through the establishment of specific programs that include protection, support and information measures, to accompany and protect the victims.
Supporting women and girls in science
Iberdrola celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science in cooperation with the University of Salamanca (USAL) on 11 February. For the third consecutive year, in 2020 the company collaborates again with the university to put together an extensive, varied program of activities consisting of educational talks, exhibitions, visits to research centres, scientific meetings and presentations.
The activities, which will continue until 28 February, are suitable for all audiences and will be hosted by USAL's research centres and other institutions interested on underlining women's role throughout history and their contributions to the fields of science and research.
Presentation of the program of activities planned for International Day of Women and Girls in Science at the USAL.Among these initiatives is an exhibition entitled Women Who Changed History, where artist Pilar Vega Pérez puts a face and name to many of the women who, throughout the centuries, have transformed our world in areas including politics, writing, music, sport, film, literature and science.
Quick Meetings with Researchers is a discussion format whereby attendees can move around different tables to talk to researchers about their work and get answers to questions. The Grial research group and the Audiovisual Contents Observatory have also organised a Breakfast with Scientists, where high-school students will meet several researchers from the University of Salamanca. The first Women in Science: Presentation and Analysis of Projects Seminar will present a selection of national projects to encourage girls to take up a career in science.
Children will also be able to take part in activities like the visit-workshop One Letter, One Story, to play a game that will teach them about the important jobs that women have held over the years, and the No-school Days urban camp, where children will learn about a selection of important women from the world of science.
In addition, Iberdrola has collaborated once again with the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) in the realization of a video that highlights the lack of female references in science.
'We are capable', video in collaboration with the UPV/EHU.
Iberdrola remains firmly committed to its employees and teams as the keys to its success and does its utmost to create an atmosphere that encourages relationships based on equal opportunities between women and men without discrimination. The company has an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and carries out numerous initiatives to encourage a balance between work and the family, to encourage more women to enter the energy sector and boost their all-round development.
Save the Children and Doctors of the World have just opened the Centre for Children's Protection and Social Integration in Nuadibú, Mauritania, with funds donated by Iberdrola. The centre has the capacity to assist 100 vulnerable children, who they identify to attend to their educational needs.
These include minors who run away from home or who want to migrate, girls in domestic servitude, etc. The director of the Iberdrola Spain Foundation, Ramón Castresana, highlighted the importance of forging multilateral alliances to drive sustainable development and the positive impact of this initiative.
For the fourth consecutive year, the Iberdrola Social Program 2018 has selected a project operated by Fundación Down Madrid to improve workplace inclusion for young people with intellectual disabilities and Down syndrome. Iberdrola's foundation in Spain has managed to support 300 youngsters since 2014, all of whom have received training at Down Madrid's occupational centre in Tres Olivos in the northern part of the city.
The Chairman of Fundación Iberdrola España, Fernando García, and the Manager of Fundación Iberdrola España, Ramón Castresana, visited the facilities with the Chairman of Fundación Down Madrid, Inés Álvarez, and centre manager, José Manuel Araque. They got a first-hand look at the daily training received by around 60 young people (aged 22 to 35 years) with intellectual disabilities and at risk of social exclusion.
Around 60 young people with Down Syndrome receive training to join the job market. Video voice transcription (Spanish version) [PDF]
Using social entrepreneurship methodology, the organisation nurtures participants' personal development and provides opportunities for social-labour inclusion. After receiving these courses, youngsters are able to add to their officially recognised training and become better prepared for the job market.
Iberdrola has been running the "Lights and Action" educational project since 2012, in collaboration with the Fundación Tomillo
External link, opens in new window., which helps Madrid's young students to increase their labour insertion and employability possibilities by providing them with additional training to that received in the Basic Professional Training (FPB) courses on Electricity, Business Administration and Computer Science.
In addition, students will improve their English skills, something vital when paving the future for these students to secure a job. With this project, the company is strengthening its commitment to Sustainable Development Goals No. 4 (Quality education), No. 8 (Decent work and economic growth) and No. 10 (Reduced inequalities).
Ignacio Galán with the students of the "Lights and Action" project.Through Iberdrola's Corporate Volunteering Program, different employees of the distribution, generation and supply, HR, and occupational health and safety areas participated as volunteers in training the students on Electricity Generation and Distribution, Energy Efficiency, Communication and Relations with Customers, Labour Insertion, and Occupational Health and Safety.
Iberdrola also collaborates with Fundación Tomillo in another educational project. Los Olivos (local community in Madrid), aimed at helping children with a variety of difficulties to improve their classroom performance, develop their potential and successfully complete their studies.
Fundación Tomillo pupil. Video voice transcription (Spanish version) [PDF]

Corporate purpose and values
A model that prioritizes the people and the planet.

Human rights
The respect for human rights at Iberdrola, our commitment.

We promote responsible management
We integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

Committed to the SDGs
Our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.