Financial strategy
Iberdrola’s financial profile
Debt capital Markets represent an important funding source for Iberdrola. Financial solidity is one of the three strategic pillars of the company (ESG+F), together with a profitable growth and a sustainable dividend. Hence, Iberdrola focuses its financial targets in keeping solid financial ratios, aligned with rating agencies requirements in order to maintain a robust Investment Grade level.
Outlook 2024-2026 presentation [PDF]
Debt capital represents an important financing source for the Iberdrola Group. Central to Iberdrola’s financial strategy is its target financial ratios.
Iberdrola seeks to, whenever possible, centralize its financing activities, however there are circumstances when the Group considers it necessary to arrange finance at the subsidiary level. This means that the majority of financing is conducted at the Iberdrola S.A. level or conducted through instruments with the guarantee of Iberdrola S.A.
Iberdrola S.A. places importance on having a diversified investor base and on reducing financing risks. Iberdrola therefore issues in different markets, currencies and with varying maturities.
The illustrations below show Iberdrola Group’s solvency ratios and adjusted net debt on 31 December 2024 showing the financial strength of the group.
Debt as of 31 December 2024 can be broken down by currency* and interest rate**, as follows:
The breakdown of debt* by source of financing
Liquidity profile of the Iberdrola Group*
The slide below shows Iberdrola Group’s liquidity position and debt maturity profile* 31 December 2024: