Notifications sent to CNMV
On this page, you can find the notices of information sent by the Company to the National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) (CNMV), either sent directly or forwarded by third parties and disseminated by Iberdrola, to immediately make public and disseminate relevant information to the market.
Notices of information are classified as inside information or other relevant information.
Inside information is of a precise, non-public nature, referring to an issuer or financial instrument which, if made public, could have a significant effect on the price, whereas information is classified as other relevant information does not affect the price.
Other relevant information
| Other Relevant Information
Iberdrola postpones 2020 Capital Markets Day
Other relevant information
| Share buy-back, stabilisation and treasury stock programmes
Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 27 March and 2 April 2020
Other relevant information
| On Corporate Governance
Resolutions passed by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on 2 April, 2020 and re-election and appointment of internal positions in the Board of Directors and its committees.
Other relevant information
| On financial instruments
Issuance by Iberdrola Finanzas, S.A. (Sociedad Unipersonal) of notes in the euromarket for an amount of EUR 750 million
Other relevant information
| Other Relevant Information
Q1 2020 Results Announcement
Other relevant information
| Share buy-back, stabilisation and treasury stock programmes
Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 20 and 26 March 2020
Other relevant information
| Share buy-back, stabilisation and treasury stock programmes
Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 13 and 19 March 2020
Other relevant information
| Announcement of General Shareholders'' Meeting
Supplementary Announcement of a call to the General Shareholders Meeting with respect to the coronavirus disease
All previous Notifications sent to CNMV are available for review on the CNMV website External link, opens in new window.