Notifications sent to CNMV
On this page, you can find the notices of information sent by the Company to the National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) (CNMV), either sent directly or forwarded by third parties and disseminated by Iberdrola, to immediately make public and disseminate relevant information to the market.
Notices of information are classified as inside information or other relevant information.
Inside information is of a precise, non-public nature, referring to an issuer or financial instrument which, if made public, could have a significant effect on the price, whereas information is classified as other relevant information does not affect the price.
Other relevant information
| On business and financial situation
2020-2025 Outlook Presentation
Other relevant information
| On financial instruments
Issuance of EUR 3,000 million non-call undated deeply subordinated securities by Iberdrola International B.V., guaranteed on a subordinated basis by Iberdrola, S.A.
Other relevant information
| On Corporate Transactions
Stake held by Iberdrola Renewables Australia Pty Ltd in Infigen’s share capital following the expiry of the tender offer
Other relevant information
| Other Relevant Information
Presentation on the Avangrid-PNM Resources merger
Other relevant information
| Other Relevant Information
2020 Nine months results presentation
Other relevant information
| Interim management report
The Company delivers the Nine months Interim management report 2020
Other relevant information
| On Corporate Governance
Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors of Iberdrola, S.A. and its committees
Other relevant information
| On financial instruments
Term and conditions of the second edition of the 'Iberdrola Retribución Flexible' optional dividend system corresponding to the fiscal year 2020
All previous Notifications sent to CNMV are available for review on the CNMV website External link, opens in new window.