2018-06-14 00:00:00.0Iberdrola: "The agreement reached in Europe is a great opportunity for European industry and it allows us to move forward in a just transition towards the decarbonisation of our economy”
Iberdrola supports the agreement reached by the European Parliament and Council on the Renewables Directive, which it describes as very good news for Spanish and European industry and the economy. New opportunities are opening up in terms of generating employment and wealth in a sector in which Spanish and European companies are very well positioned.
The company believes that the minimum target of 32% renewable energy, set in the agreement for 2030, is achievable and is based on the evolution of renewable technologies in recent years, which has made it possible to generate energy that is competitive, secure and affordable. Decisions such as these allow us to act against the effects of climate change, support a just transition and improve our citizens' quality of life, while gradually reducing the external energy dependence of our economy.
Iberdrola applauds the ambition that the European countries have demonstrated with this agreement in energy and environmental matters, as well as their commitment to deploying mechanisms and specific decisions to advance in the process to decarbonise and electrify the economy and take advantage of all its opportunities.