2019-04-24 00:00:00.0The European Round Table (ERT) urges the European Union to face up to the challenges of the 21st century and pledges its collaboration
The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT), a forum bringing together around 55 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major European multinationals, has called on the European Union to take urgent action to deal with the challenges of the 21st century, such as the fight against climate change and the digital transformation.
Among the major firms represented at the ERT are four leading Spanish companies, Telefónica, Inditex, Ferrovial and Iberdrola, whose chairman, Ignacio Galán, is also an ERT member.
The European Round Table of Industrialists has published this plea, the most significant in its history, in the prelude to the European Parliament elections (Sunday 26 May in Spain), through a new position paper presented today, Strengthening Europe’s Place in the World, which highlights the peace and prosperity that European integration has delivered and calls for a stronger Europe.
For the ERT, Europe will not be able to overcome these challenges without coordinated action between governments, civil society and the private sector. So, in this regard, Europe’s largest companies have announced that they are prepared to contribute by committing to five specific pledges: delivering energy transition and tackling climate change; furthering the Digital Transformation; growing investment, especially in R+D; creating value to society; and supporting trade and commerce.
In parallel, and in this same vein, the ERT has called on European Union institutions, particularly the new Parliament and Commission, to focus on six policy priorities in the years ahead: strengthening the single market; increasing competitiveness; driving forward digital transformation; addressing the skills gap; ensuring fair and rules-based global trade; and tackling climate change.