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Iberdrola in Davos 2020
The impacts of climate change and the need for businesses to operate sustainably are leading agenda items in Davos. We have said for too long that words must turn in to actions, and 2020 should be the year this happens. The beginning of a new decade must see sustainable and responsible business strategies. 2020 is a critical year to safeguard the future of the planet; it will culminate in the crucial COP26 summit in November in Glasgow. The energy transition and the private sector’s commitment to decarbonisation are high on the Davos agenda with this year’s theme being Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World. The forum will try to find responses to the following issues: 1. How to address the urgent climate and environmental challenges that are harming our ecology and economy 2. How to transform industries to achieve more sustainable and inclusive business models as new political, economic and societal priorities change trade and consumption patterns 3. How to govern the technologies driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution so they benefit business and society while minimizing their risks to them 4. How to adapt to the demographic, social and technological trends reshaping education, employment and entrepreneurship Iberdrola is a global benchmark in the fight against climate change. Our strategy has been aligned with climate action for two decades. In this time, we have invested $100 billion in renewable energy, smart grids and efficient storage. Iberdrola is a longstanding member of the World Economic Forum, and chairman Ignacio Galán is a key voice in promoting the energy and climate change agenda every year at the annual meeting in Davos. This year will be no different. Speaking at the Shaping the Future of Energy and Materials panel debate in Davos, Mr. Galan said: “Today, energy transition is feasible. We have at our disposal technologies for reaching a climate neutral economy at a very competitive cost. Onshore wind is fully mature, solar photovoltaic costs have fallen by ~80% since 2010 and offshore wind by over 50%, being able to replace traditional fossil fuel technologies.” “The opportunities are huge. As an example, the EU Green Deal is estimated to require up to €7 trillion of cumulative investment up to 2050 which could nearly double annual spending of European utilities for the coming 30 years. Although the effort is considerable, everybody wins. Customers will benefit from better service and more choices, there will be more jobs and improved security, suppliers will ramp up their businesses with increased orders and shareholders will see their investments grow.” At Iberdrola, we started the transition 20 years ago, and after investing over € 100 billion in clean technologies. Nonetheless, we are not going to stop here. Iberdrola has already accelerated its investment plans in renewables and smart grids, up to around €10 billion per year which, will enable us to put close to 3 GW of renewable energy into operation in 2020 We are now a world leader in renewables multiplying our size and results by 5 times. In terms of market capitalization, we are today the 1st fully investor-owned utility in Europe. Only last year, our share price increased 31%. We have proved that it is possible to promote the Sustainable Development Goals, creating value for all, and run a profitable business that balances the interests of shareholders, employees and the society. What is the Iberdrola climate change story? As Mr Galán points out, green energy has been at our core for over 100 years, with hydro power central to our business from the outset. Then around two decades ago, after the Kyoto Protocol, Iberdrola could clearly see that climate change was a real challenge for humanity. A challenge that required urgent action. We knew that the electricity sector was key to providing solutions to combat this global problem. Since then we have been hard at work driving the energy transition towards a sustainable future. We have invested substantially in wind power, so much in fact, that we are now one of the world´s leading wind power companies. Investment of around €100 billion means that nearly 80% of all the megawatts we manage are now emission-free. Our emissions are one fourth of our European peers. A world leader in renewable energy - key pieces of the puzzle Europe’s largest solar power plant: Núñez de Balboa As costs have come down, and technology has matured, solar PV has become a pivotal technology in the energy transition. Iberdrola is well-placed to integrate this technology into its global portfolio. The electrification of the economy shows no signs of slowing, and major projects like Núñez de Balboa (500 MW) in Spain will help to ensure that increasing demand can be met, while also delivering on global climate change targets. Iberdrola is the world´s leading wind-power company, and solar is increasingly becoming an important source of investment and forms a major part of the company’s 2018-2022 investment strategy. In Spain alone Iberdrola will install 3 GW of new solar and wind by 2022, and 10 GW by 2030. The Núñez de Balboa project is also at the forefront of the expanding market in Europe for power purchase agreements (PPAs). With significant experience of managing PPA contracts the US and Mexico, Iberdrola has already closed agreements with key European corporates. Energy storage Cost-effective storage (pumped hydro, large batteries and domestic batteries) is the right technology to support generation from renewable sources. Pumped hydro, the most efficient technology for storing large amounts of energy for long periods, is essential for renewable energy integration. Iberdrola is a world leader in pumped hydro. Other storage technologies, in particular Lithium-ion batteries, are improving storage performance and leading to rapid cost reductions. Iberdrola has pioneered the launch of commercial products in Spain, such as solar PV with batteries for customers. Also, large scale hybrid projects, including wind, solar and battery storage are being developed across the globe. In addition, Iberdrola is actively investing in e-mobility solutions.
Ignacio Galán discusses at Davos about business challenges and opportunities in 2020
The chairman of the Iberdrola group, Ignacio Galán, took part at the conference titled Shaping the Future of Energy and Materials , within the activities being held at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting at Davos. Participants discussed about how the competitive landscape has changed in this year, what the key business challenges and opportunities are in 2020 and what should be strategic priorities in the decade ahead.
Ignacio Galán: electrification is key to the success of the EU's Green Deal
Davos (Switzerland). "Electrification will be key to the success of Europe’s Green Deal, encouraging European utilities to almost double investments over the next 30 years", said Iberdrola Chairman, Ignacio Galán, during his participation in the fiftieth World Economic Forum in Davos. Speaking at the Shaping the Energy of the Future panel, Galán also pointed out that this agreement will hopefully serve to “streamline permitting procedures for new infrastructure and reward those companies genuinely transforming their business model to deliver a green economy. To do this, it is essential to measure the contribution that each agent is making today, beyond very long-term objectives.” Ignacio Galán said that, although the challenge is huge, “everyone will benefit: customers will have better service and more options to choose from; jobs will increase and be more skilled; suppliers will have increased workloads; and shareholders will see their investments grow”. "At Iberdrola, we have accelerated the pace of our investment in renewables and smart grids to almost €10 billion a year, twice as much as four years ago. We aim to commission another 3,300 MW in clean energy this year, which will add to the 5,000 MW that came on stream in 2019," he added. The Chairman of Iberdrola highlighted that "the company began the energy transition 20 years ago" and that it has since invested "€100 billion in clean energy, turning into a world renewable energy leader, with 31,000 MW in operation, while multiplying its size and results five-fold.” Galán stated that “the energy transition is feasible given that we already have the necessary technologies at a very competitive cost. Onshore wind is now mature and the cost of solar has fallen by around 80% since 2010. Along with offshore wind, with a 50% drop in cost, these technologies are now capable of competing with the most polluting sources of traditional generation.” He also mentioned the essential role to be played by electricity networks and storage in the process. Lastly, he emphasized the need to "rethink the entire tax system for the energy industry in order to apply the polluter pays principle while distributing costs consistently between the different sectors.” One of the world’s most sustainable companies Iberdrola has, once again, been included in the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World index, which is produced annually by Corporate Knights and presented at the Davos forum. The company has once again been found to be one of the 100 most sustainable companies in the world, it is the only Spanish company in its category and occupies 17th position in the overall ranking. The ranking is determined by analysing over 7,300 companies against 21 performance indicators, weighed to reflect the impact in each industry. For example, the organisation assesses aspects such as the relationship between revenue and CO2 emissions and the percentage of women on the Board. Third time in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index Iberdrola has also been included, for the third consecutive year, in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI), which recognises companies committed to transparency and reporting information related to gender issues and to increasing equality between women and men. The Bloomberg index, which includes 325 companies from 42 countries and 11 sectors, evaluates the financial performance of companies committed to supporting gender equality through policy implementation, representation and transparency. To do this it analyses aspects such as the presence of women on the Board of Directors, work life balance -the group has more than 70 measures in this area-, awareness programmes and products that foster support for women. Iberdrola is, thus continuing to contribute to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) , which it has integrated into its strategy. While the company is focused on Goals 7 and 13 (affordable and clean energy and climate action) these practices also allow it to move towards goal number 5, gender equality.
Once deportistas paralímpicos continuarán sus estudios universitarios, apoyados por las 'Becas Fundación Iberdrola España'
La Fundación Iberdrola España y el Comité Paralímpico Español han entregado esta mañana, en un acto celebrado en la sede del Consejo Superior de Deportes en Madrid, las ‘Becas Fundación Iberdrola España’ a once deportistas paralímpicos, que les permitirán continuar sus estudios universitarios en el curso 2019-2020. Al acto han asistido Fernando García , presidente de la Fundación Iberdrola España; Miguel Carballeda, presidente del Comité Paralímpico Español, y una representación de los deportistas beneficiarios. Las ‘Becas Fundación Iberdrola España’ van dirigidas a deportistas beneficiarios del Plan ADOP que están cursando estudios universitarios y tienen como objetivo promover su capacitación profesional para facilitar su integración laboral, una vez finalizada su vida deportiva. Durante su intervención, el presidente de la Fundación Iberdrola España, Fernando García, ha señalado que “estamos muy orgullosos de seguir apoyando al deporte paralímpico español, no solo a través del impulso al Plan ADOP, sino también con el apoyo a la formación de los deportistas, que permitan su preparación para sus etapas profesionales futuras”. Por su parte, Miguel Carballeda ha destacado que el compromiso de Iberdrola con el movimiento paralímpico es “algo más que un simple patrocinio deportivo”, sino que es “una apuesta por las personas”, en concreto “por las personas con discapacidad”. Con la ayuda de estas becas, “vamos a conseguir que podáis ser reconocidos por vuestro talento deportivo, pero también por vuestro talento profesional en el día de mañana”, ha explicado a los atletas. En representación de los deportistas becados, han intervenido Jordi Morales, que ha agradecido la concesión de esta beca porque poder formarse para el futuro le aporta “mucha tranquilidad a la hora de competir”, y María Delgado, que tras lograr esta ayuda espera “servir de ejemplo a otros deportistas que quieran compatibilizar el deporte con los estudios”. Los beneficiarios de las “Becas Fundación Iberdrola España” 2019-2020 han sido: * Héctor Cabrera. Atleta valenciano con discapacidad visual y medallista de plata en lanzamiento de jabalina en el Mundial de Dubai 2019. Renovación de la beca para la continuación del Grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte en la Universidad de Valencia. * María Delgado. Nadadora zaragozana con discapacidad visual y medallista de bronce en 100 espalda en el Mundial de Londres 2019. Renovación de la beca para continuar los estudios de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. * Óscar Salguero. Nadador barcelonés con discapacidad física y subcampeón mundial en 100 braza en Londres 2019. Renovación de la beca para continuar los estudios de Medicina en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. * Ariadna Edo. Nadadora castellonense con discapacidad visual, medallista en los últimos Juegos Paralímpicos. Renovación de la beca para continuar sus estudios de Grado de Psicología en la Universidad Camilo José Cela. * Meritxell Playà. Atleta ciega barcelonesa, bronce en salto de longitud en el Mundial de Dubai 2019. Concesión de la beca para seguir con sus estudios de Derecho en ESADE. * Iván Cano. Atleta alicantino con discapacidad visual, bronce mundial en salto de longitud. Renovación de la beca para continuar con el Grado en Ingeniería de Sonido e Imagen en Telecomunicación en la Universidad de Alicante. * Gerard Descarrega. Atleta tarraconense con discapacidad visual, campeón paralímpico, mundial y europeo en 400 metros. Renovación de la beca para continuar sus estudios de Psicología en la Universidad Católica de Murcia. * Jairo Ruiz. Triatleta almeriense con discapacidad física y subcampeón de Europa en 2019. Continuará sus estudios de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. * Martín de la Puente. Jugador vigués de tenis en silla de ruedas, ganador de cinco torneos internacionales en 2019, así como del Campeonato de España. Cursará sus estudios de Administración y Dirección de Empresa en la Universidad Oberta de Cataluña. * Enhamed Enhamed. Nadador canario ciego, poseedor de nueve medallas en Juegos Paralímpicos. Se le concede una beca para continuar sus estudios de Psicología en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. * Jordi Morales. Jugador de tenis de mesa con discapacidad física procedente de Barcelona. Recibirá una beca para sufragar parte de los gastos del Máster en Dirección y Administración de Empresas en Business School. Iberdrola, con el deporte paralímpico La concesión de estas becas por parte de la Fundación Iberdrola España se suma al respaldo de la compañía al deporte paralímpico, como patrocinadora del Equipo Paralímpico Español a través del Plan ADOP, desde su creación en 2005. Con estas ayudas, Iberdrola contribuye a la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de Naciones Unidas, integrados en su estrategia empresarial. Con esta actuación, la compañía orienta su esfuerzo en el cumplimiento de los objetivos 10 (reducción de las desigualdades) y 4 (educación de calidad). Más información: Isabel Domínguez Ahuir Responsable Área Comunicación Comité Paralímpico Español 91 589 51 14 / 619 255 582
Iberdrola announces another lawsuit for libel against José Antonio del Olmo
Iberdrola has announced that it is bringing before the Courts in Bilbao another criminal lawsuit for libel against Antonio Del Olmo as the alleged author of a report published in El Confidencial on 2 and 3 December 2019. An internal investigation carried out by the Compliance Unit has been unable to find the document in the company's archives. Its alleged author, who has not cooperated at all in clarifying the facts despite being requested to do so on several occasions, has not acknowledged either writing it or issuing it, and neither were its potential recipients aware of it, and, if they had been, they would have taken the appropriate measures, as they have stated to this Unit. Furthermore, said report includes an expert’s opinion, which has detected apparent incongruities in its pages, with it not being possible to rule out that some kind of alteration was involved. This lawsuit adds to that already brought against José Antonio del Olmo for criminal defamation through advertising by Pablo Insunza Gaminde on 19 December 2019. Iberdrola has also become aware that Jose Antonio del Olmo has been summoned to testify as a witness before Central Court of Investigation Number 6 in the Spanish High Court. In view of this situation, the company wishes to state that it will bring all the necessary legal actions that may be appropriate in relation to this declaration in order to protect its reputation and good name.
Iberdrola and AVIA step up their investment in sustainable mobility with an agreement to install more than 500 rapid charging stations
Iberdrola and AVIA have multiplied their original joint commitment to sustainability tenfold after reaching an agreement to work together to install more than 500 rapid chargers for electric vehicles. This new initiative comes in the wake of an initial agreement whereby 48 rapid charging points were installed in 24 AVIA service stations in seven regions of Spain. Iberdrola and AVIA have selected more than 100 service stations covering almost all the Spanish autonomous regions for the installation of new recharging points for electric vehicles in Spain, (this figure includes 20 in Portugal where both companies operate), and at least 10 of them will be ranked as Premium. The collaboration between the companies also extends to action on two other areas: firstly, Iberdrola will promote self-consumption systems at AVIA service stations by installing photovoltaic solar panels, and secondly, both companies will develop customer loyalty initiatives whereby Iberdrola will publicise the advantages of the AVIA Club, which already has 300,000 members, while AVIA service station customers will enjoy special benefits from Iberdrola. “This agreement emphasises the importance of working together with all the players involved in sustainable mobility. With AVIA we have found a perfect ally with which to move forward in the roll-out of long-distance rapid recharging solutions to meet the challenges of electric mobility , based on clean energy free of CO2 emissions,” explains Alfonso Calderón, Sales Manager of Iberdrola in Spain. He also points out that “transport electrification, together with the growth of electricity generated from renewable sources, will make a decisive contribution in reducing pollution in our cities and increasing energy efficiency”. The agreement will enable AVIA to stay at the forefront of a change in model as part of a far-reaching transformation to become a multi-energy operator and a benchmark in terms of quality and service capacity. Rapid charging at more than 20 service stations throughout Spain This new initiative comes in the wake of a collaboration between Iberdrola and AVIA a year ago which involved installing 48 rapid chargers for electric vehicles in 24 Spanish locations to give thrust to electric mobility in Spain and the progressive penetration of electric vehicles in our country. These rapid charging points are now installed in provinces in seven autonomous regions, namely Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, the Community of Madrid, the Valencian Community, La Rioja, Navarre and the Basque Country. Green energy and digital solutions Iberdrola charging point customers can charge their electric vehicles with 100% green energy from clean generation sources with renewable Guarantee of Origin (GoO) certificates. Users can also manage their vehicle charges using the Iberdrola Public Charging App provided by the company as part of its Smart Mobility plan, for geolocation, booking and paying for vehicle charges through their mobile phones. The sustainable mobility leader As part of its strategy to drive and lead the energy transition and transport electrification, Iberdrola has devised a Sustainable Mobility Plan . The company plans to have installed 25,000 charging points in Spain by 2021, in homes, businesses and urban and interurban sites with public access. The plan includes installing fast, super-fast and ultra-fast charging stations on the main motorways and highways, reaching all provincial capitals and making it possible to drive all the way across Spain in an electric vehicle. Iberdrola is working on different initiatives to 'mobilise' all the agents involved in the development of sustainable mobility, from governments to institutions, companies and electric vehicle manufacturers. The company has recently become the first Spanish business to subscribe to The Climate Group’s EV100 initiative, with the aim of accelerating the transition towards electric vehicles with a commitment to electrifying its entire fleet of vehicles and allowing its staff to charge their vehicles at its businesses in Spain and the United Kingdom by 2030.
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