Cutting-edge technologies
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Do you know what the fourth industrial revolution is, how blockchain is applied in energy, what is low code or ethical hacking? Keep up to date with all the latest news on innovation and technology.
More content on Cutting-edge technologies
Cloud Computing, key to the democratization of innovation
Augmented Reality: The real world with different eyes
Biotechnology and its impact on today's and tomorrow's world
What is artificial vision and what are its applications?
Deep learning: a key concept to take artificial intelligence to the next level
Types of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Lithium-ion batteries, essential for energy storage
Edge Computing: the technology enabling a step forward in the digitalisation and flexibility of the distribution grid
MeteoFlow: Anticipating weather events to forecast and optimise renewable production
What’s a data center?
Battery dimensions: their importance and their influence on performance
Smart cities: the technological revolution reaches the cities