Employability, equal opportunities, subventions for entrepreneurs, talent promotion, knowledge transmission... We care for young people and we show it.
The acronym STEM education encompasses careers related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The new digital era and the acceleration of technological advances have made STEM professionals to be the most sought-after by companies.
Educational robots enable students of all ages to become familiar with and deepen their knowledge of robotics and programming, while at the same time learning other cognitive skills. Find out how robots can help your children's education and which are the most popular among the wide range of robots available on the market.
Psychologists, psychiatrists and experts from Silicon Valley are warning that social media use can be addictive and its consequences the same as those of any other addiction: anxiety, dependence, irritability, lack of self-control, etc. Faced by this prospect, people are increasingly asking: are social media a real problem?