Employability, equal opportunities, subventions for entrepreneurs, talent promotion, knowledge transmission... We care for young people and we show it.
Today, Iberdrola opens a new call for applications for its Master's Scholarships for the 2025-2026 academic year , aiming to promote excellence in the education of new generations and foster young talent. The company offers the opportunity for...
Promoting inclusion and intergenerational dialogue and knowing how to manage this diversity in companies is crucial, both socially and strategically, to contribute to a pleasant and productive working environment.
Today, Iberdrola opens a new call for applications for its Master's Scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year, with the aim of promoting excellence in the training of new generations and fostering young talent. The company offers new...
Facebook Iberdrola launches its International Master Scholarship Programme for the development of 'green jobs'
Twitter Iberdrola launches its International Master Scholarship Programme for the development of 'green jobs'
Linkedin Iberdrola launches its International Master Scholarship Programme for the development of 'green jobs'
Iberdrola today held a conference at its global smart grid headquarters in Bilbao dedicated to promoting young talent linked to green jobs. The necessary energy transition offers an opportunity for the future employment of young generations...
Facebook Iberdrola is committed to retaining and attracting young talent from its smart grid world headquarters in Bilbao
Twitter Iberdrola is committed to retaining and attracting young talent from its smart grid world headquarters in Bilbao
Linkedin Iberdrola is committed to retaining and attracting young talent from its smart grid world headquarters in Bilbao
Iberdrola’s Executive Chairman, Ignacio Galán , today joined UNICEF’s Generation Unlimited Global Leadership Council. Launched by the UN Secretary-General at the 2018 UN General Assembly, and run by UNICEF, Generation Unlimited is a global...
Facebook Iberdrola’s Ignacio Galán joins the UNICEF Generation Unlimited Global Leadership Council
Twitter Iberdrola’s Ignacio Galán joins the UNICEF Generation Unlimited Global Leadership Council
Linkedin Iberdrola’s Ignacio Galán joins the UNICEF Generation Unlimited Global Leadership Council
This morning, Iberdrola laid the virtual foundation stone of Global Green Employment (GGE) , a major green employability project that represents a new milestone in the company's commitment to a future involved with society, environmentally...
Facebook Introducing Global Green Employment, the largest platform for guidance, training and green employment
Twitter Introducing Global Green Employment, the largest platform for guidance, training and green employment
Linkedin Introducing Global Green Employment, the largest platform for guidance, training and green employment