Transparency is an up-and-coming value at the political, company and social level and comes as a response to the crisis of confidence that is affecting institutions around the world. Being transparent and creating a climate of trust is the principle behind restoring it.
In the era of digitalisation, law needs to be adapted to protect and safeguard fundamental rights. Digital rights, closely linked to freedom of expression and privacy, are those that allow people to access, use, create and publish digital media, as well as access and use computers, other electronic devices and communications networks.
ESG criteria -environmental, social and governance- are in Iberdrola's blood and are part of its business model. After reformulating its governance and sustainability system around these three pillars, the company has decided to go a step...
Iberdrola is working to create a professional environment where its employees are a true reflection of society and where opportunities are generated so that everyone can develop to their full potential. This is reflected in its first Diversity...
Facebook I Iberdrola Diversity and Inclusion Report: equal pay, accessibility, STEM vocations and diversity in the value chain
Twitter I Iberdrola Diversity and Inclusion Report: equal pay, accessibility, STEM vocations and diversity in the value chain
Linkedin I Iberdrola Diversity and Inclusion Report: equal pay, accessibility, STEM vocations and diversity in the value chain
Iberdrola’s chairman, Ignacio Galán, met remotely this morning with almost all the company's nearly 9,000 employees in Spain to talk the company's performance and its plans for the future. He also answered more than 200 questions, which had...
Facebook Ignacio Galán attended a virtual meeting with Iberdrola’s 9,000-strong workforce in Spain: “We’ll emerge from this crisis by investing in sectors with a future, like ours”
Twitter Ignacio Galán attended a virtual meeting with Iberdrola’s 9,000-strong workforce in Spain: “We’ll emerge from this crisis by investing in sectors with a future, like ours”
Linkedin Ignacio Galán attended a virtual meeting with Iberdrola’s 9,000-strong workforce in Spain: “We’ll emerge from this crisis by investing in sectors with a future, like ours”
Iberdrola has become the first Spanish company to obtain the AENOR certificate for its Tax Compliance Management System in accordance with the requirements established in the UNE 19602 standard. This certification, which is aligned with the...
Facebook Iberdrola, the first Spanish company to obtain this AENOR certificate for its Tax Compliance System
Twitter Iberdrola, the first Spanish company to obtain this AENOR certificate for its Tax Compliance System
Linkedin Iberdrola, the first Spanish company to obtain this AENOR certificate for its Tax Compliance System