Transparency is an up-and-coming value at the political, company and social level and comes as a response to the crisis of confidence that is affecting institutions around the world. Being transparent and creating a climate of trust is the principle behind restoring it.
Iberdrola has been awarded the Fair Tax Mark, an accreditation for companies that pay taxes responsibly around the world. The Fair Tax Foundation is a non-profit organisation that promotes tax fairness and transparency in corporate tax...
Organisations are increasingly concerned about communicating with their audiences, which are becoming more diverse and demanding in terms of clarity and transparency. Adopting a plain language strategy has become a necessary way to achieve this. Find out, with Iberdrola, all about what plain language is and how we have incorporated it for a closer engagement with our customers.
Iberdrola remains steadfast in its commitment to decarbonisation. The company has remained in the world's most prestigious climate change index, the CDP, with the top score. According to the data reported by CDP, the company is one of a small...
Facebook Iberdrola has been recognised for another year with an "A" rating for climate change transparency
Twitter Iberdrola has been recognised for another year with an "A" rating for climate change transparency
Linkedin Iberdrola has been recognised for another year with an "A" rating for climate change transparency
Greenwashing – also referred to as climate-washing – is an increasingly widespread practice with which some companies mislead consumers into believing that they or their products are sustainable through misleading or false claims. It is important that conscious users know greenwashing definition in order to detect this practice.
Four pillars underpin Iberdrola's supplier evaluation model: ethics and transparency, sustainability, risk management, and technical and quality requirements. The Director of Purchasing Services explains the keys that have led them to become the first organisation to achieve the AENOR Sustainable Purchasing certificate.
Facebook "The AENOR certification is a recognition of our transparent, efficient and committed purchasing strategy and model"
Twitter "The AENOR certification is a recognition of our transparent, efficient and committed purchasing strategy and model"
Linkedin "The AENOR certification is a recognition of our transparent, efficient and committed purchasing strategy and model"
Iberdrola is the best utility in the world in ESG (environmental, social and governance) information disclosure, and the first company in Europe in the Print-Based Alternative Reports category of the League of American Communications...