We contribute to progress in society, that is the reason why we go all in with the promotion of initiatives, subventions and solidary programs that encourage equity, education and development.
At first glance, remote working may seem to only have advantages: greater work-life balance, lower business costs and even increased productivity. But not all sectors or all professions are able to work in this way. We analyse this way of working, we share tips to get the most out of it and we recommend tools that will help you in the daily life.
We want to create a more sustainable world, with stable economies and more just and inclusive societies. A difficult but not unattainable target if we can count on involvement of governments, institutions, businesses, and, above all, a responsible and committed public.
Alongside the digital revolution, the education sector has seen far-reaching changes in the last decade, creating a new reality in classrooms. Along with a boom in Educational Technology (EdTech), an infinite number of tools and applications have emerged and have become part of students' and teachers' daily lives. They are tools capable of providing students with tailor-made learning experiences.
Kids should start their environmental education at school. The fate of the planet will be in their hands, so it is crucial for them to learn how to use resources wisely and do their bit in the battle against climate change from an early age. The results of this difficult test could be a better, more sustainable and inhabitable world.
Homeschooling is an alternative form of education that consists of educating children away from the classroom, an educational process that has gained popularity in many countries. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has come a long way in the last few years and made it all possible, but it comes with pros and cons.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) itself makes it clear: "Mental health is an integral part of health; indeed, there is no health without mental health". Living in an ever-changing world puts our psychological well-being to the test and there is only one way to preserve it: by looking after our mental hygiene. Below we explain how to avoid negative behaviour, achieve emotional equilibrium and improve our quality of life.
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Linkedin Mental hygiene: learn about the things you need to do to look after your mind and keep a good quality of life