We contribute to progress in society, that is the reason why we go all in with the promotion of initiatives, subventions and solidary programs that encourage equity, education and development.
At the UN Climate Change Conference in 2015 an agreement was reached (The Paris Agreement): to move towards carbon neutrality by the second half of the 21st Century to mitigate the effects of climate change. Here we take a look at what steps are being taken to reach a balance that is vital for the next generations.
Iberdrola group is continuing its operations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, thus fulfilling its commitments to its Stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, and society in general. Since the pandemic started the company has launched a comprehensive action plan to ensure continuity and quality of supply, as well as to protect the health and safety of people in the different countries in which it operates.
Maintaining a proper exercise routine is really important for our health. Although we normally associate it with going to the gym or other places to exercise, the reality is that it can be done from our living room. Nowadays, thanks to the multitude of apps and digital platforms dedicated to sport, it is easier than ever.
The desire to get back in touch with nature and away from overcrowded urban centres has increased since the confinement and restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the phenomenon of counterurbanization or neo-ruralism, i.e. the exodus from the city to the villages in search of healthier and more sustainable lifestyles, has been revitalised around the world.
The flipped classroom pedagogical model, also known as the inverted classroom, has been gaining relevance in recent years due to the need to change the traditional learning system to adapt it to the new generations. The key to its proposal is that the student prepares the lessons (theoretical part) outside the classroom and carries out the activities (practical part) in the classroom.
Climate change is the big environmental problem that humanity will face over the next decade, but it isn't the only one. We'll take a look at some of them — from water shortages and loss of biodiversity to waste management — and discuss the challenges we have ahead of us.