We contribute to progress in society, that is the reason why we go all in with the promotion of initiatives, subventions and solidary programs that encourage equity, education and development.
¿Cada cuánto tiempo cambias de móvil? ¿Y de ordenador? ¿Y de televisor? Seguramente ese tiempo haya ido acortándose en los últimos años debido, en gran medida, a la obsolescencia programada. Un fenómeno que no se refiere solo al hecho de que un objeto tecnológico deje de funcionar, sino también a que surja uno mejor o, directamente, a que pase de moda. La consecuencia es que la basura tecnológica no deja de aumentar y amenaza al medio ambiente.
The progress of neuroscience and, in parallel, of neurotechnology is unstoppable. Over the coming decades we will see, even if it sounds like science fiction, devices capable of decoding information in our brains, amplifying our senses or modifying our memories. Which is where ethical boundaries come into play and, in this sense, neurorights are essential if we are to protect our mental privacy.
The UN, which has been fighting desertification since 1994, defines it as the process of land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas as a result of various climatic and human factors. With climate change, these factors have only multiplied and it is now considered one of the world's major environmental problems.
Minimalism, originally an architectural trend that seeks to reduce works to the essentials, has been transferred to other areas. The idea is very simple: less is more, which applied, for example, to our daily lives means reducing the use and consumption of material goods as much as possible. This way of being in the world has positive effects on the environment and recent environmental initiatives, such as the Zero Waste movement, are very close to it.
Solar radiation is the energy emitted by the Sun through electromagnetic waves and life on Earth depends on it. In addition to determining atmospheric and climatological dynamics and trends, it makes plant photosynthesis possible, among other processes. If you want to know more, such as what types of radiation there are and what their harmful effects on health are, especially on the skin in summer, read on.