We contribute to progress in society, that is the reason why we go all in with the promotion of initiatives, subventions and solidary programs that encourage equity, education and development.
A study published in 2020 by the prestigious journal 'The Lancet' directly contradicted the forecasts being made by the United Nations (UN) about the future population of the world. At the time, the UN was predicting that there would be 11.2 billion people on the planet by the year 2100. 'The Lancet', meanwhile, reasoned that the global population would peak in 2060 and then fall to 8.8 billion by 2100 thanks to improvements in education for women and better access to contraception.
Climate change is threatening the present and future of humankind. To turn this catastrophic situation around, we need role models ready to lead the fight. From youth activists like Greta Thunberg to established actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, among others. Below, we take a look at some of the public figures most committed to sustainability.
Facebook The value of role models in the fight against climate change: who inspires environmental advocacy?
Twitter The value of role models in the fight against climate change: who inspires environmental advocacy?
Linkedin The value of role models in the fight against climate change: who inspires environmental advocacy?
The year 2010 saw the Alpha generation come to life, replacing the generation Z. Growing up in a digital environment, with all knowledge just a click away, will not only affect their experiences, but will define the way they interact with their peers. Here we tell you about their characteristics, the impact of digital on their development and which technologies will define them.
In an increasingly digital world, the line between the real and the virtual is becoming increasingly blurred. And it will become even more blurred if the metaverse becomes a reality. The goal of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and other major technology leaders is to create a virtual network through which people can interact and carry out activities online, from shopping to going to a concert or playing a video game, so that the network becomes another stage in our lives.
The semiconductor crisis, which can briefly be described as a scarcity of chips, has caused an upheaval in numerous sectors of the economy — from consumer electronics to the automotive industry and domestic appliances —, to the point that large companies have had no option but to cease production. The best way to gain a better understanding of what has happened and why is to know exactly what semiconductors are and how they are made.
¿Cada cuánto tiempo cambias de móvil? ¿Y de ordenador? ¿Y de televisor? Seguramente ese tiempo haya ido acortándose en los últimos años debido, en gran medida, a la obsolescencia programada. Un fenómeno que no se refiere solo al hecho de que un objeto tecnológico deje de funcionar, sino también a que surja uno mejor o, directamente, a que pase de moda. La consecuencia es que la basura tecnológica no deja de aumentar y amenaza al medio ambiente.