We contribute to progress in society, that is the reason why we go all in with the promotion of initiatives, subventions and solidary programs that encourage equity, education and development.
A study in Nature magazine shows that in 2020 the volume of materials made by mankind outweighed the volume of all the living beings for the first time in history. Which is why some scientists are suggesting that we have entered the anthropocene, a new geological era marked by the impact of mankind. Here are its characteristics and its effects on the environment.
For a lot of people, the concept of biometrics sounds like something very remote, extremely scientific or completely unheard of. But the truth is that we are seeing it more and more in our daily lives and they say it will soon end up replacing our passwords or door keys.
The fashion industry, which is responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, is the second most polluting after the oil industry. How can its impact on the environment be reduced? Biodegradable clothing is one of the answers and one of the industry's main commitments to promoting sustainability. Would you like to go shopping?
There are more and more mobile lines in the world, mobile phones have more functions and we spend more and more time interacting with this type of device. Here are the main Internet consumption habits on mobile devices globally.
Mobile phones, tablets, laptops: the proliferation of digital devices is becoming a problem for the planet because once they come to the end of their useful lives — every year more than 50 million tons of technological scrap is generated — their recycle rate is poor. Improving it is vital to slowing climate change and avoiding harm to the environment.
From oceans to farmland, microplastics are everywhere – even in our bodies. Explore the dangers they pose, where they're found, and what we can do to reduce their impact.