We contribute to progress in society, that is the reason why we go all in with the promotion of initiatives, subventions and solidary programs that encourage equity, education and development.
The Katowice Climate Summit (COP24) will take place from 2nd to 14th December under Poland's presidency and will constitute a real milestone in the global climate action agenda. We analyse, in detail, its progress and possible results.
Facebook COP24 will establish the instruments to be used to comply with the Paris Agreement and will send strong signals to governments and civil society
Twitter COP24 will establish the instruments to be used to comply with the Paris Agreement and will send strong signals to governments and civil society
Linkedin COP24 will establish the instruments to be used to comply with the Paris Agreement and will send strong signals to governments and civil society
The plastics's invasion of the planet is a reality. Just remember that the plastic waste island floating in the Pacific Ocean now measures 1.6 million kmsup:2#. If we want to save the planet, the time has come for each and every one of us to take action.
Hydroponic crops are based on a practice that does away with soil and in its place uses a solution of water enriched with nutrients, among other alternatives. By using few resources, are seen as a option more sustainable solution than traditional agriculture. What's more, hydroponic crops can be grown at home!
Plastic is overwhelming our oceans and it's causing incalculable environmental damage. This situation raises many questions: How does plastic get into the ocean? Where does the waste come from? What can we do to avoid it? We outline below the main factors responsible.
The historic Paris Agreement, adopted by 195 nations during COP21 (2015), included the goal of strengthening the world's response to the threat of climate change and, in order to do so, to keep the increase in the average temperature worldwide well below 2º C above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to limit this temperature increase to 1.5º C. A new report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reaffirmed the urgent need to move towards a scenario of 1.5º C.
The proliferation of plastics and their impact on the environment is a pressing problem for the planet. Iberdrola, in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, is launching the Catch Lord Plastik, an initiative to raise awareness of this problem.