Find here all Iberdrola's content, projects and information related to Scotland.
"Iberdrola sets an example for green hydrogen production and the decarbonisation of the country". That was the message received by Ignacio Galán, the chairman of Iberdrola, from Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon, at a meeting held this...
Facebook Nicola Sturgeon, prime minister of Scotland, told Ignacio Galán: "Iberdrola sets an example for green hydrogen production and the decarbonisation of the country"
Twitter Nicola Sturgeon, prime minister of Scotland, told Ignacio Galán: "Iberdrola sets an example for green hydrogen production and the decarbonisation of the country"
Linkedin Nicola Sturgeon, prime minister of Scotland, told Ignacio Galán: "Iberdrola sets an example for green hydrogen production and the decarbonisation of the country"
Iberdrola, through its subsidiary ScottishPower, and Shell have joined forces and are pooling their experience to launch the first large-scale floating offshore wind farms in the United Kingdom. Both companies are bidding on several proposals...
Facebook Iberdrola and Shell work together to bid on the first floating offshore wind projects in the United Kingdom
Twitter Iberdrola and Shell work together to bid on the first floating offshore wind projects in the United Kingdom
Linkedin Iberdrola and Shell work together to bid on the first floating offshore wind projects in the United Kingdom
Iberdrola, though its subsidiary ScottishPower, has teamed up with some of the UK's main distilleries and spirits companies and the Port of Cromarty Firth to launch a green hydrogen project in the Highlands. The result will allow the whisky and...
Facebook Iberdrola launches a green hydrogen scheme to produce sustainable Scotch whisky in the Highlands
Twitter Iberdrola launches a green hydrogen scheme to produce sustainable Scotch whisky in the Highlands
Linkedin Iberdrola launches a green hydrogen scheme to produce sustainable Scotch whisky in the Highlands
Iberdrola has finalised the purchase of two onshore wind projects in Scotland, with a combined 165-megawatt (MW) capacity and which will involve an investment of around 190 million euros, from individual local shareholders 3R Energy and...
Facebook Iberdrola buys two onshore wind projects in Scotland from 3R Energy and Mitchell Energy, which will involve an investment of almost 190 million euros
Twitter Iberdrola buys two onshore wind projects in Scotland from 3R Energy and Mitchell Energy, which will involve an investment of almost 190 million euros
Linkedin Iberdrola buys two onshore wind projects in Scotland from 3R Energy and Mitchell Energy, which will involve an investment of almost 190 million euros
Following the completion of a £650 million investment programme to build eight new onshore wind farms, Iberdrola, through its subsidiary ScottishPower Renewables, has now passed the 2,000 megawatt (MW) milestone for UK wind power capacity. In...