Innovation is the main tool in our hands to guarantee sustainability, efficiency and competitivity inside the company. Science is the engine behind development, this is our main principle in Iberdrola.
On 10 September 2024, a Space X rocket took off from Florida, in the US, carrying billionaire Jared Isaacman into space. A few years earlier, on 20 July 2021, Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, took off into space on board the New Shepard. Just days earlier, Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, achieved the milestone that is paving the way for space tourism, albeit only for multimillionaires. Let's travel into the past to learn about history's earliest examples of space tourism, and then look to the future to glimpse what might be on the horizon for this booming industry.
The progress of neuroscience and, in parallel, of neurotechnology is unstoppable. Over the coming decades we will see, even if it sounds like science fiction, devices capable of decoding information in our brains, amplifying our senses or modifying our memories. Which is where ethical boundaries come into play and, in this sense, neurorights are essential if we are to protect our mental privacy.
This morning in the city of Salamanca the Chairman of the Governing Board of Salamanca University and the Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, reaffirmed their permanent commitment to knowledge, education, entrepreneurship and young people...
Facebook Iberdrola chairman Ignacio Galán addressed the young scientists present, telling them: your talent will play a fundamental role in achieving Europe's climate goals
Twitter Iberdrola chairman Ignacio Galán addressed the young scientists present, telling them: your talent will play a fundamental role in achieving Europe's climate goals
Linkedin Iberdrola chairman Ignacio Galán addressed the young scientists present, telling them: your talent will play a fundamental role in achieving Europe's climate goals
Solar energy, or photovoltaic energy, is one of the most efficient renewable sources at present and will be key in the process of decarbonising the planet. And all thanks to an essential part: the photovoltaic cell. This electronic device has the capacity to capture and transform light energy into electricity, and in recent years it has continued to evolve in terms of materials and manufacturing techniques.
Facebook Photovoltaic cells: discover their evolution, their different types and the latest innovations
Twitter Photovoltaic cells: discover their evolution, their different types and the latest innovations
Linkedin Photovoltaic cells: discover their evolution, their different types and the latest innovations
NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) recently confirmed the presence of water on the lunar surface, specifically in the sunlit area. In the following lines, we will discuss the many implications of this finding, both for future space missions and for a future colonisation of Earth's natural satellite.
Facebook The discovery of water on the Moon and its impact: from space missions to future colonisation
Twitter The discovery of water on the Moon and its impact: from space missions to future colonisation
Linkedin The discovery of water on the Moon and its impact: from space missions to future colonisation
Natural language processing (NLP) brings together two disciplines as apparently distant as linguistics and artificial intelligence. Today, this field of computer science, which consists of transforming natural language into a formal language — such as programming — that computers can process, is constantly evolving and its applications are growing.