Innovation is one of the main tools for a company to guarantee its sustainability, efficiency and competitiveness. In our case, our continued commitment to innovation has made us the most innovative Spanish utility, and the third most innovative in Europe, according to the European Commission's classification.
El proyecto HOREX –acrónimo de Hormigones Expansivos– nace de Iberdrola de investigar el fenómeno de la expansión química del hormigón, que era casi desconocido, propio del material y que supone un gran desafío para las presas a nivel mundial debido a las dificultades a la hora de controlarlo, ya que puede afectar la funcionalidad para las que fueron diseñadas y construidas las presas no solo durante el mantenimiento de las estructuras sino también en su construcción.
Iberdrola Innovation Middle East is a world-leading innovation centre –located in Qatar Science & Technology Park– that aims at defining 'the digital utility', developing innovative digital solutions for renewable energy integration, smart grids and energy efficiency and conservation.
The Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub -GSGIH-, which Iberdrola has in Bilbao, is consolidating its position ten months after its inauguration as the world centre for innovation in smart grids. There are now 75 collaborating entities and...
With about 13,000 people receiving development training in its classrooms every year, the Iberdrola Campus for Innovation and Training embodies the group's commitment to technology, R&D and collaboration with technology centres as levers for leading the energy transition, the green recovery of the economy and employment, improving the employability of young people and senior professionals in sectors with a future.
Digitalisation has become a key ally for companies to seize opportunities and overcome challenges in a rapidly evolving context, and to do so with agility, security, efficiency and a people-centric approach.
Iberdrola takes another step forward in making a more digital and participatory meeting. Once again, the company is a benchmark in facilitating the monitoring and participation of shareholders not only in person, but also through the main...
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