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Iberdrola has awarded EnergyLoop the contract for recycling blades and managing part waste for the Isabela and Molar de Molinar wind farms, the first Iberdrola wind farms to be repowered in Spain. A total of 139 wind turbines will be...
Facebook Iberdrola awards EnergyLoop the blade recycling contract for its first repowering in Spain
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EnergyLOOP, a company promoted by Iberdrola, through its PERSEO programme , and FCC Ámbito, a subsidiary of FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente, will build its innovative wind turbine blade recycling plant in Spain in the municipality of Cortes,...
Facebook EnergyLOOP to install its innovative blade recycling plant in Spain with the support of PERSEO
Twitter EnergyLOOP to install its innovative blade recycling plant in Spain with the support of PERSEO
Linkedin EnergyLOOP to install its innovative blade recycling plant in Spain with the support of PERSEO
Iberdrola has begun operating its Cavar wind power complex in the Spanish region of Navarre, the first major facility of its kind commissioned in Spain since the health crisis. With an installed capacity of 111 megawatts (MW), it is also the company's largest wind farm built in Spain since 2012. Cavar complex will generate enough energy to power 46,500 households per year, preventing emissions of 84,000 tonnes of CO2 every year.
Facebook Cavar, the largest wind farm developed by Iberdrola in Spain in recent years, comes into operation
Twitter Cavar, the largest wind farm developed by Iberdrola in Spain in recent years, comes into operation
Linkedin Cavar, the largest wind farm developed by Iberdrola in Spain in recent years, comes into operation
Iberdrola, through its PERSEO programme , and FCC Ámbito, a subsidiary of FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente, have launched EnergyLOOP to lead the recycling of renewable installation components, one of the biggest medium- and long-term challenges in...
Iberdrola is continuing to develop renewable projects to generate clean, competitive energy through its application for approval for the Peralta photovoltaic plant (Navarre). The project has 370 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity, entails an...
Iberdrola has begun operating its Cavar wind power complex in the Spanish region of Navarre, the first major wind farm commissioned in Spain since the health crisis. With an installed capacity of 111 megawatts (MW), it is also the company’s...
Facebook Iberdrola advances green recovery by commissioning first major wind complex in Spain since the health crisis
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