Qualified investors, retailers, professionals... the company works to develop projects that attract investments and investors to the energy industry.
Iberdrola has once again succeeded in the capital markets with a 10-year green debt issue for €750 million and a coupon of 3.625%, with the lowest premium for a green bond among those issued this year. Europe's leading electricity company in...
Iberdrola, Europe's leading electricity company by market cap (circa €80 billion), has today issued a green bond for 335 million Swiss francs (€350 million) in two tranches, diversifying its sources of financing. The first tranche for 145...
- Facebook Iberdrola diversifies its financing sources in the debt capital markets with a public green bond for 335 million Swiss francs
- Twitter Iberdrola diversifies its financing sources in the debt capital markets with a public green bond for 335 million Swiss francs
- Linkedin Iberdrola diversifies its financing sources in the debt capital markets with a public green bond for 335 million Swiss francs
Iberdrola held its General Shareholders' Meeting today at the Iberdrola Tower in Bilbao, at which the group's chairman, Ignacio Galán, received resounding shareholder support for his management and strategy at the helm of the company. The...
Shareholders are at the heart of Iberdrola, and the company is strengthening its relationship with them through OLA Shareholder Club . This is an exclusive area on the website for all investors in Europe's largest utility and the second...
Iberdrola is progressing with its plan to divest non-core assets, reaching an agreement with Premier Energy Group to sell its renewables assets in Romania for €88 million. Premier Energy Group, through its Romanian subsidiary, Premier Renewable...
Iberdrola has investors at the centre of its strategy, and today it takes a further step in this direction inagurating the Shareholder Month ( mesdelaccionista.iberdrola.com ), an event that includes the 2024 General Shareholders' Meeting, to...