Qualified investors, retailers, professionals... the company works to develop projects that attract investments and investors to the energy industry.
Iberdrola reaffirmed its role as a driver of decarbonization, economic recovery and job creation during the first half of the year, after making record investments of €4.9 billion, 37% more than in the same period of the previous year. This...
Facebook Iberdrola increases investments by 37% to €5 billion and posts adjusted net profit of €1.84 billion (+8.4%) in the first six months
Twitter Iberdrola increases investments by 37% to €5 billion and posts adjusted net profit of €1.84 billion (+8.4%) in the first six months
Linkedin Iberdrola increases investments by 37% to €5 billion and posts adjusted net profit of €1.84 billion (+8.4%) in the first six months
Iberdrola and Foresa analyse the development of investments in renewable hydrogen for the industrial production of green methanol in Galicia. Both companies could tackle the construction of a 20 MW green hydrogen plant - expandable to 200 MW -...
Facebook Iberdrola and Foresa plan investments in renewable hydrogen for the production of green methanol in Galicia
Twitter Iberdrola and Foresa plan investments in renewable hydrogen for the production of green methanol in Galicia
Linkedin Iberdrola and Foresa plan investments in renewable hydrogen for the production of green methanol in Galicia
Iberdrola and MAPRE have created a new strategic alliance to make joint investments in renewable energies in Spain. The utility and the insurance company have set up a pioneering co-investment vehicle to achieve their goals that includes 230 MW...
Facebook Iberdrola and MAPFRE create a strategic alliance to invest together in renewable energy in Spain
Twitter Iberdrola and MAPFRE create a strategic alliance to invest together in renewable energy in Spain
Linkedin Iberdrola and MAPFRE create a strategic alliance to invest together in renewable energy in Spain
On Wednesday 3 March Ignacio Galán took part in the session entitled "The Energy of the Future" as part of the annual CERAWeek energy conference. The chairman of Iberdrola began his presentation by reminding his audience that the current ...
Facebook "There is room for everyone in the green energy market, given the enormous investment opportunities offered by decarbonisation"
Twitter "There is room for everyone in the green energy market, given the enormous investment opportunities offered by decarbonisation"
Linkedin "There is room for everyone in the green energy market, given the enormous investment opportunities offered by decarbonisation"
In 2020, Iberdrola accelerated its response to the challenges of the energy transition in an unprecedented context and ramped up all of its activities with record investments of €9.24 billion, up 13% from previous year. 91% was allocated to the...
Facebook Iberdrola makes record investments of €9.24 billion (+13%) and posts €3.61 billion (+4.2%) net profit
Twitter Iberdrola makes record investments of €9.24 billion (+13%) and posts €3.61 billion (+4.2%) net profit
Linkedin Iberdrola makes record investments of €9.24 billion (+13%) and posts €3.61 billion (+4.2%) net profit
Iberdrola group chairman Ignacio Galán met with French President Emmanuel Macron this morning during the Choose France forum. Macron talked about the country’s recovery plans, which focus mainly on the energy transition and digitalisation ,...
Facebook Iberdrola ratifies its commitment to France, where it will invest 4 billion euros in the next four years
Twitter Iberdrola ratifies its commitment to France, where it will invest 4 billion euros in the next four years
Linkedin Iberdrola ratifies its commitment to France, where it will invest 4 billion euros in the next four years