Qualified investors, retailers, professionals... the company works to develop projects that attract investments and investors to the energy industry.
Iberdrola continues to strengthen its leadership in sustainable financing. The group has signed with 24 banks of different nationalities a new credit line linked to sustainability indicators for €2.5 billion. The cost of this operation is at...
Facebook Iberdrola signs a new sustainable credit facility for €2.5 billion at very competitive conditions
Twitter Iberdrola signs a new sustainable credit facility for €2.5 billion at very competitive conditions
Linkedin Iberdrola signs a new sustainable credit facility for €2.5 billion at very competitive conditions
The Chairman of the Iberdrola Group, Ignacio Galán, together with the Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, participated in the Green Hydrogen Summit held in Brussels to discuss the policies needed to accelerate the adoption of renewable...
Against a backdrop of heightened economic uncertainty and downwardly revised economic growth prospects for this and the next two years, a new survey of European business leaders conducted for Europe by the Conference Board Measure of CEO...
Facebook Ignacio Galán: "We are committed to maintaining the investment effort to counteract the economic impact of the war in Ukraine"
Twitter Ignacio Galán: "We are committed to maintaining the investment effort to counteract the economic impact of the war in Ukraine"
Linkedin Ignacio Galán: "We are committed to maintaining the investment effort to counteract the economic impact of the war in Ukraine"
In 2021, Iberdrola continued to reaffirm its role as a driver of economic growth and employment in the countries where it operates. The company invested a record €9.94 billion in the period, 3% more than the previous year. This investment...
Facebook Record investments of €9.94 billion boost Iberdrola's net profit to €3.88 billion, up 8% on 2020
Twitter Record investments of €9.94 billion boost Iberdrola's net profit to €3.88 billion, up 8% on 2020
Linkedin Record investments of €9.94 billion boost Iberdrola's net profit to €3.88 billion, up 8% on 2020
Iberdrola invested €337.5 million in Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) activities in 2021. This amount represents an increase of 51% compared to the previous year, when the figure stood at €293 million. These resources have been...
Iberdrola continues to strengthen its global leadership in the offshore wind sector, this time in Massachusetts. The group will invest more than US$ 10 billion in the development of three offshore wind complexes. Iberdrola's Chairman, Ignacio...