Qualified investors, retailers, professionals... the company works to develop projects that attract investments and investors to the energy industry.
Andromeda, Spain's first major technology fund to accelerate the energy transition and sustainability, launched last May by Iberdrola , the ICO Next Tech Fund, Nortia Capital and Seaya, has already begun to seed. It has entered the capital of...
Facebook The technology fund Andromeda closes its first investment: it is landing in the construction company 011h
Twitter The technology fund Andromeda closes its first investment: it is landing in the construction company 011h
Linkedin The technology fund Andromeda closes its first investment: it is landing in the construction company 011h
Iberdrola continues to advance its role in the energy transition towards a more sustainable energy system that is less dependent on fossil fuels. Thanks to over €4.7 billion of investments in the first part of the year and its international...
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Iberdrola have signed a new agreement to accelerate Spain's energy transition by developing new renewable capacity. The EU Bank will provide a €550 million green loan for the construction of a portfolio...
PERSEO's technology investment portfolio is composed of emerging companies or start-ups that develop innovative technologies and business models with a high social impact in the field of energy. Iberdrola also participates in large technology funds that promote sustainability and innovative business models through investments in start-ups.
Iberdrola remains faithful to its commitment to promoting the energy transition as the only way to accelerate decarbonisation and eliminate dependence on fossil fuels. Accordingly, the company has increased its installed renewable capacity by...
Iberdrola continues to strengthen its leadership in sustainable financing. The group has signed with 24 banks of different nationalities a new credit line linked to sustainability indicators for €2.5 billion. The cost of this operation is at...
Facebook Iberdrola signs a new sustainable credit facility for €2.5 billion at very competitive conditions
Twitter Iberdrola signs a new sustainable credit facility for €2.5 billion at very competitive conditions
Linkedin Iberdrola signs a new sustainable credit facility for €2.5 billion at very competitive conditions