#iberdrola projects
EAST ANGLIA ONE, Saint Brieu, Támega..., Iberdrola works on different projects worldwide which have become milestones in our company, given their relevance and their innovative approach.
Comprehensive geological studies are essential for making informed decisions to ensure the long-term viability and safety of a hydropower plant. Furthermore, the integration of geological data into advanced numerical models allows engineers to develop dams that are safe, efficient and sustainable.
Avangrid, Iberdrola's subsidiary in the United States , has successfully completed the installation of the first wind turbines at Vineyard Wind 1 , the Group's major offshore wind project in the country, and will begin to feed clean energy...
Facebook Iberdrola completes the installation of the first wind turbines for the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind farm in the US
Twitter Iberdrola completes the installation of the first wind turbines for the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind farm in the US
Linkedin Iberdrola completes the installation of the first wind turbines for the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind farm in the US
The Kilgallioch wind farm in South Ayrshire (UK) provides a total installed capacity of 239 MW through the output of 96 generators.
Iberdrola Deutschland has been awarded three wind energy sites in the latest tender by Forst Baden-Württemberg (ForstBW). Wind farms with an expected number of 25 wind turbines (WTGs) will be built on a total of 790 hectares (ha). With a...
Iberdrola has completed installation of the first turbine at the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind farm. Each turbine will provide power to more than 6,000 homes and businesses. Comprising a tower, three blades and a nacelle, it has a rated...
The El Escudo wind farm will be the first in the world to use BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology for its construction, with the aim of carrying out exhaustive control and guaranteeing that environmental and heritage protection ...
Facebook The El Escudo wind farm will be the first in the world to use BIM methodology to reduce its impact
Twitter The El Escudo wind farm will be the first in the world to use BIM methodology to reduce its impact
Linkedin The El Escudo wind farm will be the first in the world to use BIM methodology to reduce its impact