#iberdrola projects
EAST ANGLIA ONE, Saint Brieu, Támega..., Iberdrola works on different projects worldwide which have become milestones in our company, given their relevance and their innovative approach.
Iberdrola, through Avangrid, its subsidiary in the United States , has been awarded a 791 MW contract to build the New England Wind 1 offshore wind farm . When it comes into operation, the facility will provide clean, emission-free energy to...
Iberdrola Australia has announced that construction works are now underway at Broadsound Solar and Battery, the company’s first project in Queensland. The 376 MW Broadsound Solar Farm and 180MW (2hr) co-located Battery Energy Storage System...
Through its UK subsidiary Scottish Power, Iberdrola has been awarded two contracts in the government's sixth round of acutions for contracts for difference, which will supply more than 1,000 MW of clean energy to more than one million homes. ...
Facebook Iberdrola wins two UK offshore wind contracts to back more than 1,000 MW of clean electricity
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Linkedin Iberdrola wins two UK offshore wind contracts to back more than 1,000 MW of clean electricity
Iberdrola, ICO, Sabadell and HSBC have signed a syndicated green loan for an amount of 500 million euros, which is covered by Cesce through its Green Investment Policy on behalf of the State, which is guaranteed by the Internationalisation Risk...
Facebook Iberdrola, ICO, Sabadell and HSBC sign a EUR 500 million syndicated green loan with Cesce coverage
Twitter Iberdrola, ICO, Sabadell and HSBC sign a EUR 500 million syndicated green loan with Cesce coverage
Linkedin Iberdrola, ICO, Sabadell and HSBC sign a EUR 500 million syndicated green loan with Cesce coverage
Iberdrola has been given the green light to proceed with preliminary construction work on a wind farm in Cantabria (northern Spain), after the developer Biocantaber − in which Iberdrola España has a stake − obtained the building permit to begin...
Following the commissioning of Vineyard Wind 1, the state of Massachusetts will have a new offshore wind farm − the New England Win 1 project − which will provide 791 MW of clean energy to 400,000 homes in the region and will reduce emissions equivalent to taking 300,000 vehicles off the roads annually.